Chapter 8: The Chamber of Secret

Start from the beginning

"Just wait and watch," he replied with a mischievous grin, his eyes glinting with excitement.

I shook my head in disbelief, but followed along, curious about what he had planned.

As we stood, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. What could my brother possibly have in mind?


I stared at the young man with flaming red hair, freckled skin, and bright green eyes, "Garreth, Garreth Weasley!" I exclaimed.

"What's gotten into you, Y/N? You're being utterly rash today," Garreth remarked as we ran across the bridge towards the castle.

I wriggled myself out of his grasp, "Stop, Garreth. Set me down immediately!" Garreth halted, complying with my request and gently lowering me to the ground.

"You're injured Y/N," Poppy said with concern, while trying to catch up with us.

I quickly retrieved a Wound Cleaning Potion from my bag and began applying it to the wound, gritting my teeth through the pain.

"Oh no, oh no. Are you alright?" Garreth asked, clearly worried.

"It's bad. Truly bad," I said, looking at Poppy and Garreth.

Poppy's concern grew as I spoke in a trembling voice, "It's Marvolo Gaunt. He's responsible for the fish tails, but they're not normal fish."

I shooked my head and continued, "They're merfolk, and he's been playing with them before killing them." I paused to catch my breath, wincing in pain as I tended to my wound.

"Oh, no!" Poppy exclaimed in shock.

"He's been slaughtering them for sport and taking their bodies. And it's not just the merfolk, Poppy. Even the unicorns have been attacked!" I said as my burnt and smoky wound began to heal with the help of the potion.

"This is truly sinister," Garreth added, "We must tell the professor immediately!!"

"Wait, it's too risky!" I protested, grabbing Garreth's wrist to prevent him from rushing into action.

"I'll go alone. If I sneak in before Ominis opens the chamber, it should be safe," I suggested.

"But are you sure you'll be alright?" Poppy asked, voicing her concern.

"I'll be fine," I reassured her.

Location Setting: Lower Grand Staircase

Poppy and Garreth waited a short distance away from the location, prepared for any potential danger.

I stealthily made my way into the ladies' room just before Ominis and Marvolo arrived, and took cover behind one of the doors, trying to avoid making any noise.

After a few moments, Marvolo and Ominis barged into the room and slammed the door shut with a loud bang. I held my breath, hoping they wouldn't discover me.

Meanwhile, Sebastian, who was trying to follow them, got locked outside and muttered a curse under his breath.

From a distance, Garreth and Poppy noticed the commotion and called out to him in unison, "Sebastian?"

Sebastian POV

My eyebrows furrowed in concern as I asked, "What are you guys doing here? Where's Y/n? Why aren't you guys at the hospital wing?"

Garreth replied, "She's in there," Pointing at the ladies room.

I scowl deepened at the answer. "No, no, no." I paced back and forth.

"Why would you let her be? What were you guys thinking?" I asked angrily.

Poppy tried to calm me down. "She told us to trust and wait here." Poppy know I am still not being swayed by her words and tried to convince me, "She's much more powerful than you think. We just have to trust her, now."

Poppy's word was delusional. I was still not convinced. Y/n could be in any danger and I couldn't enter to save her. "No, you don't get it, Poppy! Ominis, he.."

I sat down in distressed. "Ominis, he's bewitched! Marvolo cast the Imperius Curse on him."

I grabbed my hair in frustration while Garreth gasped upon the news, "Merlin..."

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