42: Finals

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With finals approaching, Lizzie, Y/N, Scarlett and Chris had hardly spent any time together. All of them studying for their different exams. This was always something that brought out Y/N’s anxiety. To everyone who doesn’t really know her, she seems like she has it all together. Like she knows what she is doing, but she knows just as much as the shy kid in the corner.

Everything for her had changed in this one year. Her home life, well her whole entire life. She never thought she would even have a future. She never had anyone believe in her like Lizzie and Kathryn did. Same with Coach Hamilton. But she found she has people who care about her. Those she calls family.

“Has anyone heard off of Y/N?” Lizzie asked the two as she approached them. Both Scarlett and Chris shook their heads no. “I am kind of worried about her.”

“Where would she feel safest?” Scarlett asked her, which caused Lizzie to think. With finals and revising, everyone hadn’t really been in much contact with each other. Trying to keep 100% focus on school.

Lizzie soon found herself making her way to the field. Finding Y/N sat in the kick off circle. Her legs crossed as she had a book in her lap. Concentrating as she had a pen in-between her teeth.

“Y/N?” Lizzie called out as she approached her. “What are you doing out here?”

“I just find it peaceful here.” Y/N told her. “It helps keep my mind quiet while I study.”

“Is that all that is on your mind?” Lizzie asked as she sat opposite Y/N. Giving her her full attention. “You can talk to me about anything.”

“I know, it’s just that lately my mind has been making so much noise.” Y/N explained to her. “This year has been the best year since I was born. Everything changed this year for the better. I found happiness this year and I keep feeling that every time I look in your eyes. You were the first person to ever know me as me. Not the mask I put on for everyone.” She took a deep breath. “I just don’t want to lose this. I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t lose me.” Lizzie said with certainty. “We will graduate and go to college but we can make this work between us.” Lizzie took Y/N’s book anx placed it beside her. Taking Y/N’s hands in hers. “I am willing to take the risk on us. You will move in with Chris and I will have Scarlett with me. We will visit each other as much as we possibly can. I believe that we can make it. We can.”

“I’m sorry. I just got in my head a little.” Y/N said softly.

“Don’t apologise.” Lizzie told her as she cupped Y/N’s face. “This right here feels right to me. You and I feel right. Like it was meant to be.”

“Like Kindred spirits.” Y/N whispered as Lizzie nodded with a bright smile. “What did I do to deserve you?” Y/N asked her.

“You just got lucky I guess.” She said as she pushed Y/N to lay down. Lying on top of her. “You have no idea what you mean to me.” Lizzie then captured Y/N’s lips in a passionate kiss. “I love you.” She whispered when she pulled away, looking in Y/N’s eyes.

“I love you too.” Y/N replied before Lizzie nuzzled her head in Y/N’s neck. The two enjoying the others company and feeling at peace in each other’s arms.

Finals were soon coming to an end. Everyone felt lighter even. No stress of studies or waiting for acceptance letters either. Able to enjoy the summer and spend whatever time they could with their friends before needing to say goodbye.

“This is going to be very strange.” Scarlett said as the four stood at their lockers.

“I know.” Lizzie smiled as Y/N wrapped her arms around her.

“I never thought I would ever miss this place, but I am. I am going to miss all of the opportunities for memories I had  earlier than this year.” Y/N spoke softly. “Thank you guys for being there for me.”

“You’re like a sister to me now dude.” Chris smirked as he ruffled her hair.

“Bro, that took me all morning to do.” Y/N exclaimed as Chris run off down the hall chuckling making the two girls laugh at them.

“You seem very happy.” Lizzie pointed out as Scarlett blushed.

“I could say the same for you.” Scarlett countered.

“I am happy. Very happy even.” Lizzie said with a bright smile as the two watched as Y/N jumped on Chris’s back.

“He does make me happy.” Scarlett said as she turned to face Lizzie. “I can’t explain it but he just makes me feel something that I never knew existed.”

“You’re in love with him.” Lizzie told her softly. “I can see how you look at him. It’s how I look at Y/N. The two stole our hearts and we didn’t even put up a fight.”

“We didn’t.” Scarlett nodded as the two turned back to see Y/N and Chris being scolded by Principle Hahn. Laughing as the two looked like children who had their hands smacked from getting an extra sweet from the candy jar. “I am not going to miss their bromance relationship.”

“I don’t wanna know the trouble they will get into in New York either.” Lizzie laughed as Scarlett nodded. Watching as the two approached them.

“Shall we go and get some pancakes?” Y/N asked as they approached the girls.

“I could definitely go for some pancakes.” Chris agreed as the girls just giggled and nodded. Walking behind the two overgrown goofballs, making their way to Y/N’s car.

“You know, for someone who comes from a lot of money, you don’t have a car.” Y/N questioned as they all settled in their seats.

“I just can’t drive.” Chris said quietly as Y/N raised a brow.

“Can’t or won’t?” Lizzie challenged.

“I am not allowed. My mum said.” He said as he crossed his arms and looking out of the window. The three giggling at his antics as Y/N drove to the diner.


The end is near guys. Please let me know what you think

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