21: Three v One

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After the match, Y/N had asked Lizzie out again. But Y/N wanted to tell Lizzie more about her past but first she need to make things right with MK. If she is going to be a part of Lizzie's life, she is going to need to be on good terms with her family. But as the couple hung out over the weekend. MK avoided them at all costs.

"You're here earlier than usual baby." Lizzie stated as Y/N nodded.

"I know. I need to speak to MK. Set some things straight. Apologise to her." Y/N said as she scratched the back of her neck. "Ashley told me she would be here this morning."

"She's in the kitchen." Lizzie told her as she let Y/N inside. Y/N walked into the kitchen as softly as she could.

"MK?" Y/N said as she watched the shorter girl tense up. "I uh I want to apologise to you."

"Why?" MK snapped at her, turning to face Y/N. "You haven't spoken to me since that night you fucked me and now you're dating my sister. What makes the two of us so different?"

"When I slept with you, I was still getting over my past. Although that is no excuse for how I treated you. None at all." Y/N started. "As you probably know, I'm a foster kid. I grew up not knowing my mum. Only having this one picture that I carry with me everywhere." She took the picture out of her pocket and placed it on the counter. "I wish I had her to teach me what to do right. How not to be but I wasn't luck enough. Instead I got a father who is in prison as we speak along with some of his friends for reasons I don't really want to talk about. So since then I have bounced from one home to another. Until Hahn took me in." Y/N sighed as MK listened. "I aym not saying this to make you pity me or an excuse for my behavior. I want things to be good between us because I have fallen for your sister. Truly. She is all I think about and well I want her to be happy. And if I can't get along with all of her family, then she won't be as happy as she should. I am not expecting you to forgive me right away. But I am willing to prove to you that I never in a sane mind to hurt you. But I do intend on being with Lizzie for as long as she will have me."

"Ok." MK whispered as she handed Y/N the picture. "You look like her." She stated as she squeezed my arm before she made her way to the kitchen door. "I am willing to work on forgiveness but I am not there just yet."

"Take however long you need." Y/N told her honestly. MK left with a small smile, and a moment later Lizzie came in.

"You ready to go baby?" Lizzie asked as Y/N nodded. The two walking out hand in hand.

"So, have you tried to speak with Seb and Anthony at all?" Lizzie asked as Y/N sighed.

"No." She answered sharply. "Sorry, I don't want to take it out on you but Anthony really hurt me. Not physically but yelling that across the cafeteria."

"No one believes you to be her killer Y/N." Lizzie told her as Y/N drove. "There has been numerous cases where the mother dies during or after child birth. It's just an unfortunate thing that happens. And I am sorry it happened to you."

"You know I sometimes blame her." Y/N said as she parked in her usual spot. Turning to face Lizzie. "For leaving me. For not fighting hard enough to stay with me. Leaving me with him." Y/N took a shaky breath before looking back out the window. "But then I think, would she have reacted similarily to my father when he found out I was intersex. Would she had saw me as some sort of abomination."

"You know that is not true Y/N." Lizzie whispered. "Your father was a bad man and don't let his judgements make you think anything else of your mum."

"How did I get so lucky with you?" Y/N whispered as she caressed Lizzie's cheek. "I truly don't deserve you." Y/N spoke before Lizzie pressed a kiss to her lips.

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