8: Rumour

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The next day, Y/N had her hoodie up. Keeping her head low. Sat in the back of every class. Ignoring everyone as they spoke. Even as the teacher was talking, she kept her head down. There were a few whispers as she was the first to leave the class.

At lunch, Y/N was nowhere to be seen. Lizzie sat with Scarlett, Chris and Robbie at their usual table. All conversing with small topics until Robbie decided to change the subject.

"Have you guys heard about Y/N?" He asked them as Scarlett and Chris gave him their full attention.

"I heard that she has been beat up." Scarlett said. "That's why she is wearing that hoodie."

"Yeah, apparently it was a boyfriend of one of the last girls she slept with while they were in a relationship." He said which both Scarlett and Chris gasped.

"Seriously. This is the best conversation we can have. Gossip." Lizzie scoffed as she started to pack her things away.

"Liz, come on." Robbie said as he tried to stop her from standing.

"No. I will not sit here and listen to gossip." Lizzie told them.

"I thought you hated her." Scarlett pointed out.

"I do, but that is besides the point. She is a human being with emotions just like the rest of us." Lizzie said as she put her bag over her shoulder. "Think of that next time."

Lizzie left the cafeteria, in search of Y/N. She was soon stopped by Principle Hahn.

"Come to my office please Miss Olsen." She told her. Lizzie nodded and followed her inside. Sitting in the seat. "I need to know if the rumors are true."

"I don't think they are ma'am." Lizzie answered her. "I am not the biggest fan of her but I know that she has never slept with someone who is in a relationship. So I know myself that it is something more."

"How so?" Principle Hahn asked.

"Well, uh she had a panic attack yesterday and when I grabbed her arm she flinched." Lizzie informed her as Hahn just nodded. Confirming her suspicions.

"I need you to find her and bring her here please." Hahn told her as Lizzie stood. "I know you care about her. I can see that. Just don't break her trust. She is big on trust."

Lizzie nodded as she walked out of the office. The first place she went was the gym. Only to find it empty. She then went to the pitch where she found Y/N sat in the middle of it. Hood still up. Lizzie approached her slowly before speaking up.

"Y/N?" She spoke softly.

"You have got to be kidding me." Y/N groaned as she stood up. "Can't you people leave me alone. I already hear the judgemental whispers as I walk down the hall. I don't need you of all people to come and judge me for something I haven't done."

"I don't believe the rumors." Lizzie told her honestly. "I just know that something worse has happened."

"How do you know. You know nothing about me." Y/N spoke quietly. "No one does."

"I want to know you." Lizzie said as she stepped forward. "Just let me in. Please."

"No. I told you." Y/N said as she shook her head. "You'll run. They all do. Aubrey did."

"Aubrey?" Lizzie was confused at the name.

"She was the last girl who tried to help me. We were in the same home at the time." Y/N said. "But I told her more of why I was in the system. What happened before I was taken from him." She scrunched her face i disgust at the thought of the man who was supposed to protect her. "She ran away."

"I am not Aubrey." Lizzie yelled at her

"I don't know that. I don't." Y/N spoke barely above a whisper before she left the pitch. Leaving Lizzie alone in the centre.

Y/N then made her way to her locker, to find Principle Hahn stood there waiting.

"My office. Now." She told Y/N with a serious look. Y/N sighed as she followed the older woman. Lizzie watched as Y/N walked. She didn't seem like her usual confident self.

"What is it?" Y/N asked as she remained stood.

"What happened to you?" Principle Hahn asked her.

"Haven't you heard. Everyone's talking about it." Y/N spoke sarcastically.

"I am not going to listen to any rumours Y/N." She told her. "Did they do this to you?" Y/N took a deep breath before turning to face her.

"You do know that this is your fault." Y/N told her angrily. "If you had just left it alone. It would have all been fine but you had to get Sarah involved. Then I get a punishment because their evaluation got moved up." Y/N had tears streaming down her face. "THEY THOUGHT IT WAS MY FAULT. ME. SO I GOT THE BELT 30 TIMES. THEN HE PUNCHED ME REPEATEDLY. ALL BECAUSE YOU HAD TO GO AND STICK YOUR FUCKING NOSE IN."

Everyone who was passing could hear the raised voice of Y/N.

"HAVEN'T I SUFFERED ENOUGH OR DO I NEED TO KEEP SUFFERING BECAUSE IF THAT'S THE CASE. I DON'T WANT TO LIVE." She then broke down. "I don't want to do this anymore. Please don't let me do this anymore."

Principle Hahn sat beside her on the floor as she cried.

"You don't have to do any of this alone Y/N. I am here. Please let me help. Let someone help. Let someone in. It doesn't have to be me. It can be anyone who you trust." Principle Hahn spoke softly. Taking Y/N's hand in hers. "I have already spoken to Sarah and I would like to foster you. You get to stay here in state. Graduate with your classmates. And have a safe environment to go home to. How does that sound?"

"It beats living in my car." Y/N chuckled along with Hahn.

"Well then, I will send Brenda for your work and you can stay in here with me." She said as she stepped outside breifly. Y/N actually felt safe for the first time in her life. She felt safe.


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