16: The Date

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Saturday morning rolled around quickly. Lizzie got herself showered and ready in record time before there was a knock on the door. Luckily it was just her since the twins were helping at the cafe. She pulled them inside and kissed them softly before leading them to the kitchen.

"So what are we doing today?" She asked Y/N with a smile as she made two bowls of cereal. Pushing one over to Y/N who thanked her.

"Well for the first thing, you might want to take some notes. It will help for your college essay." Y/N told her with a smile.

"We don't have to do that Y/N. We can do something fun." Lizzie said, feeling bad about spending the morning focusing on her application essay.

"This will be fun. Besides, I want to help you with this." Y/N said as she finished her cereal. Taking her bowl to the sink and washing it. "You have helped me with so much Lizzie and I want to help you. Besides, aren't the deadlines soon?"

"Ok. Are you sure this will be fun?" Lizzie asked her as Y/N took her bowl from her to wash

"It will be really fun." She kissed Lizzie's cheek before Lizzie went to get her notebook and pen and her bag.

When the two were in the car, Y/N took Lizzie's hand in hers as she kept her eyes on the road. The morning sun was shining as was the smiles on their faces. Lizzie was humming along to the radio as they drove out of town.

"It's just a little out of town." Y/N informed her. Lizzie nodded as she turned to watch Y/N as she concentrated on the road. Admiring her every feature in the sun.

"I didn't know you had a scar on your head." Lizzie whispered as she touched the scar just a centimetre above Y/N's eyebrow.

"It's an old one. Rarely anyone notices it." Y/N shrugged.

"How did it happen?" Lizzie asked her as Y/N shook her head. Turning into a parking lot.

"We're here." Y/N said as she turned the engine off and stepping out of the car. Walking around to Lizzie's side and opening the door for her.

"Thank you." She whispered as they walked inside hand in hand.

"It's only a small museum but I thought it would help you." Y/N smiled at her as she led her to the Female Scientist exhibit.

"This is amazing Y/N. Thank you." She smiled at her as Y/N led her to the Marie Curie section.

"Did you know that her husband Pierre helped her develop the technique for isolating radioactive isotopes and they discovered two radioactive elements with it." Lizzie listened to Y/N as she spoke. "Polonium and Radium. She was also the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physics."

Lizzie smiled as she followed Y/N to the next one.

"Have you ever heard of Lise Meitner?" Y/N asked her as they moved along slowly so Lizzie could take in her surroundings.

"I haven't." She answered as Y/N led her to a halt.

"She worked alongside Chemist Otto Hahn as she led a group of scientists who first discovered the nuclear fission of uranium." Lizzie was entranced as Y/N explained each one to her. "The fission process splits the atomic nucleus of uranium to release an enormous amount of energy. Which was the basis for the nuclear weapons developed by the U.S." Lizzie soon realised that Y/N had managed to get a small audience as she spoke to her alone. "She was also the first woman to be appointed full Professor of Physics in Germany before she was forced to flee to Sweden due to Nazi Persecution."

Lizzie made sure she wrote down everything Y/N was saying as they moved along to the next. Not realising the little following they had gathered.

"Maria Goeppert-Mayer was the second woman to win a Nobel in Physics. Her mathematical model explained the why certain numbers of nucleons. That stands for protons and neutrons. In a nucleus result in stable atomic configurations." Y/N concluded as she continued with Lizzie at her side.

"Ruby Payne-Scott was the first ever female astronomer. She was instrumental in making Australia a global leader in radio astronomy in the 40's. She also discovered several types of radiation bursts originating from the sun." Y/N looked at Lizzie with a smile as she was writing everything down. "She played a major role in the first ever radio astronomical interferometer observation. An important investigative technique in astronomy."

"You should really do something in science baby." Lizzie whispered as they walked together. Y/N's smile widening as they approached the next.

"Rosalind Franklin was highly accomplished in the field of X-Ray Crystallography, a method of determoning molecular and atomic structures using X-Ray diffraction patterns. Her expertise was instrumental in producing the first X-Ray diffraction images of DNA and confirming it's double helix structure."

Lizzie wrote down everything as she followed Y/N around the museum. As the two made it to the car. Y/N opening the door for her before getting in the driver's side.

"So as you now know, a lot of famous female scientists discovered a lot in different scientific fields. But only a small number won Nobel Prizes. All because when they made their discoveries in a male dominearing society." Y/N said as she drove. "Even in today's society, in some aspects it is male dominearing but that is because there is somethings that a man can do that a woman can't."

"How so?" Lizzie asked her.

"Take plumbing for example. Men have it already built in their minds to build or fix things. It has been that way dating all the way back to the neanderathols." Y/N spoke as she drove down the interstate. "Just like women are the more nurturing sex. It is proven that a child thrives more from a nurturing mother and a father who works. But in this society, both men and women work. There isn't really that many stay at home mums. But every species adapts to change. Technologies improve. Before the internet or even televisions were invented. Women stayed at home. They were the perfect housewife. Dinner on the table as the husband came home from work. Whereas now everyone screams for gender equality when gender equality is near impossible."

"I didn't realise that." Lizzie said as they soon pulled up at the beach.

"So do you have enough material for your essay?" Y/N asked her with a smile.

"I do. I am going to start it tomorrow." She beamed as she put her notebook and pen in her bag. "Thank you for this Y/N."

"Like I said. I wanted to help you." She said as she got out and opened her door for her. "You deserve amazing things in life Lizzie, and if going to Yale on a scholarship and becoming the worlds best journalist is a dream. I want to help make that come true."

"You truly are something else Y/N." Lizzie whispered as she kissed them softly.

"Well let's go and get some lunch and have some fun." Y/N said taking Lizzie's bag from her shoulder and placing it in the trunk.

"I need that. It has my wallet." Lizzie said as Y/N locked the car.

"I asked you on a date Lizzie. Let me spoil you." Y/N said as she pulled Lizzie towards the pier.


The first part of the date. Y/N helping Lizzie with her college essay. Please let me know what you think and I hope it wasn't too boring

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