20: The First Match

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Lizzie spent the night with a huge smile on her face cuddling her blue bear. Thinking of Y/N and the possible future the two could have. Lizzie living out her dream with Y/N beside her.

The next day rolled around fast. Game day. Lizzie was excited to watch Y/N play in the first game of the season. Even Scarlett was dragging Colin and Chris along so they could support Y/N.

Y/N made sure she was at Lizzie's again early to go to school. When she knocked on the door, she practically pulled in the house by the collar of her jacket. Lips beong pressed on hers in a passionate kiss.

"I am loving these hellos." Y/N smiled as they pulled.

"My eyes not so much." Ashley teased in the doorway. Lizzie hid her face in Y/N's neck making the twin chuckle at her shyness. MK was stood behind Ashley, glaring at the two teens.

"Well next time look away and your eyes may just thank you." Y/N teased back making Ashley chuckle at her.

"Or maybe just get a room. Not everyone wants to see you two making out first thing in the morning." MK sneered as she pushed passed Ashley to her room. Both Lizzie and Y/N looked at her confused.

"You know where the cereal is." Ashley told the two. "Good luck with your game today." Ashley said with one last smile before heading up to MK's room.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know what MK's problem is." Lizzie said as the two walked to the kitchen. Y/N just nodded knowing exactly why MK was being hostile around her. Even though it was one night, Y/N used MK for her own selfish gains, but she was a different person back then.

"Hey." Ashley spoke softly as she entered MK's room. Closing the door behind her. "Talk to me. What's going on?"

"Just leave it." MK said as she lay on her bed.

"Just talk to me. Is it Lizzie and Y/N?" Ashley asked as MK just squeezed her eyes shut.

"Why did she go for Lizzie? What does Lizzie have that I don't." MK asked her as Ashley sighed before laying beside her.

"Lizzie and Y/N are the same age MK, and Y/N seems to make Lizzie really happy." Ashley told her.

"But that doesn't answer my question." MK told her. The two heard the closing of the door before continuing their conversation.

"I don't know." Ashley said. "I don't know what happened to make Y/N change. I don't know how Lizzie managed to get them to change. All I do know is how happy they make each other."

"It just isn't fair. I really like Y/N." MK cried as Ashley just held her sister in her arms.

"I know life isn't fair." Ashley whispered. She had no clue how long she lay with her twin. Holding her as she cried. "You just have to get passed it. Move on. You will find someone who is worthy of your love." MK just nodded into her as she cried.

In caferia, Y/N sat beside Lizzie, opposite Colin and Scarlett as they ate.

"It's finally nice of you to join us Y/N." Scarlett smirked as she looked over at her.

"I do apologise that soccer practice eats into lunch most of the time." Y/N answered her with a smirk of her own.

"I like you Y/N." Colin smiled.

"Hey! She's mine Jost." Lizzie said making everyone chuckle.

"I feel like a fifth wheel." Chris groaned as everyone looked over at him.

"Don't you mean third?" Scarlett asked him.

"Nope. I mean fifth." Chris said. "There is four of you and you can be all couply together while I remain single."

"Is there anyone you have your eye on?" Y/N asked him as everyone waited for him to answer.

"There was but she is now taken." Chris sighed.

"You'll find someone buddy." Y/N said as he smiled at her.

"Is that someone you haven't slept with?" He teased making everyone laughed.

"You're good. I'll give you that." Y/N said as they stood up to take her's and Lizzie's rubbish away. "You ready for last class?" Y/N asked her.

"Good luck tonight Y/N. Hopefully you won't get your ankle snapped." Tom said as he approached their table. "Hey Lizzie." He smiled at her earning glares from everyone.

"Hey Tom." Y/N called after him as he started to walk out. "Call me when you need your shoulder popped back in."

The table giggling as he glared at Y/N before walking back up to Y/N.

"Lizzie will soon realise you're just using her. Just like all of the other girls. Just like you wanted to use Scarlett." Tom sneered.

"What?" Colin asked as he got on his feet.

"Colin, just ignore him." Scarlett pleaded.

"Y/N, let's just head to class." Lizzie tried to get Y/N to back down. Y/N's anger was reaching boiling point as she stepped forward in his face, shrugging Lizzie's hand off.

"I am not that person anymore." Y/N told him. "You don't know me. No one really does."

"I know plenty." Tom smirked. "Just ask Anthony." Before Y/N could react, he had left the cafeteria. Her eyes searching the room for one of her so called friends. When she caught sight of him, she stormed towards him.

"Hey, what did you tell Tom about me?" She asked him as Seb stepped between the two.

"Y/N, cool off." Seb tried as Anthony spoke.

"What? You fucking broke my nose!" Anthony said as he pointed to his healing nose.

"What did you tell him?" Y/N growled as she pushed passed Seb. "Tell me!!"

"Y/N. Please?" Lizzie spoke softly as she held Y/N's hand. Hoping to ground her. Y/N looked at Lizzie before letting her lead her away from the two. The school watching as Tom watched with a smirk from the doorway. Y/N allowed Lizzie to lead her away from them.

"I only told him that you were the reason your mum died!" Anthony said as they approached the door. "That even as a useless baby, you were evil. You are a murderer."

As Y/N was about to turned back and launch at him. Lizzie rested her hands on Y/N's shoulders, keeping her away from them.

"Don't Y/N." Lizzie whispered as she looked in Y/N's eyes. "It's not worth it. We know it's not true."

Y/N just turned away and walked out, not even attempting to go to her last lesson. She found herself in Coach Hamilton's office. Punching the punching bag.

Coach just left her, already hearing in the faculty lounge what had happened. Knowing she needs this.

When the time came for the match. Lizzie found herself sat beside Scarlett. The guys sat behind them.

"She'll be ok Lizzie." Scarlett gave Lizzie's hand a small squeeze as they watched the teams come out on the pitch. Lizzie's eyes remained trained on Y/N. She could see Y/N was still affected by earlier but she managed to lead the team to their first win. Earning a yellow in the process.

When the bleachers where clearing, Lizzie made her way to Y/N. Hugging her immediately.

"I'm all sweaty." Y/N said as she returned the hug.

"I don't care." Lizzie said as she looked in Y/N's eyes. "I'm so proud of you." She caressed her cheek as Y/N smiled softly at her.

"Thank you." Y/N spoke softly making Lizzie smile. Lizzie kissed Y/N softly. "Be mine?" Y/N asked her when they both pulled away.

"What?" Lizzie asked her.

"You make me a better version of myself. With you I don't have to be anyone other than me." Y/N spoke. "So please would you be my girlfriend? I want to make it official with you."

"I would love to." Lizzie whispered as Y/N picked her up and spun around. Y/N kissed her once more before Lizzie let her go and shower. Scarlett arriving to keep her company so they could all go out and celebrate.


Here is another chapter for you awesome dudes. Please let me know what you think

Changes (Lizzie Olsen x Fem GiP Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang