Chapter Three

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Jasmine Riggi-Uccello

I watch the young girl's back as she walks out of my office. My stomach twists because I swear, I saw her eyes tearing up when I said I'll call her which we all know means I won't. I flip through her resume, trying to see if there is something I missed to make myself feel better about dismissing her.

Shawn walks in, a pep in his step. His face is laced with amusement, but there is hidden concern. "You have seen at least eight people and you're telling me...none of them were good enough?" He sits down in his chair, spinning around once before facing me.

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "I don't know, Shawn. None of them seemed genuine."

"None of them?'

Maybe I was doing too much. Or maybe I was being a little bit too hard on everyone. Because everyone had great potential. Some were even outstanding and if I was someone else, I probably would've snatched them up real quick. I just didn't want to hire just anyone. Anyone can make their resume look pretty. I know all the tricks and lies people put on their resume to increase their chances of being hired. But I'm looking at their personality. How their character contributes to my company and most importantly the kids here. I might be hiring a personal assistant, but I'm also hiring a teacher that can lead and guide. Everyone I've interviewed so far just seemed like they were in it for the money and the publicity they would gain.

"Well, you have one more waiting outside for you. I wasn't sure if you would want them to be sent in considering..." He trails off, teasing and I exhale.

I shrug, nodding my head. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe they will be my lucky break." Shawn nods his head before getting up out of his chair and walking out the door. A few seconds pass and the door is opened. I look through the stacks of paper, going to the bottom to try and get the last resume that hasn't been looked at yet. When I look up, I am taken aback and it takes everything in me to keep a neutral face.

He stands tall. I know that even if I was standing up, he would still hover over me. He has to be Alessandro's height or at least almost. He covers the distance between the door and my desk, striding over like the word confidence itself. I can tell his suit is tailored to just him because of how it fits him just right in all the right places.

I stand when he reaches my desk, outstretching my hand towards him. His face screams the youth that I once had that has slowly disappeared with the growth of my children. He smiles, showing his dimples. "Nice to have you come in, Mr. King." His green eyes sparkle on the other side of his glasses that he readjusts as he grabs my hand. They almost engulf mine like Alessandro does and they're smooth like he has never worked hard labor a day in his life. Alessandro's has some roughness to them.

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Riggi-Uccello." He shows off his almost perfect teeth. His voice is light with just the right amount of bass added to it. It's like the voice you would want to read a book to you as you lay back and close your eyes, eventually falling asleep.

"Please, take a seat." he takes a seat in the cushioned chair, pushing his wavy, brown hair back. While he settles, I flip through his resume.

Issac King.

Age twenty-six.

Graduated from New York University.

Worked for a publishing company that specialized in selling children's books.

Worked as an assistant for a dance instructor that worked in the ranked five dancing school.

"Do you like working with children, Mr. King." I look up from the resume and look at him. His leg is now crossed over his knee. He smiles again and I enjoy the sight of his imperfections. It's a breath of fresh air when you're surrounded by people who tend to try to be perfect all the time.

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