"You know...I asked my parents what love felt like when I was in eighth grade," Miles says.

"Mm?" I hum, waiting for him to continue as my hands which are rested on his chest bunch up his cable knit sweater and clutch onto it tightly.

"I told my mom about this girl in my class but she said that it is impossible to fall in love at such a young age. I don't think I believed her because younger me knew that getting butterflies every time she looked at me was not a normal reaction. I mean I used to get all gangly and anxious when I heard her laugh or just answer a question in class. I never wanted to see her upset but I was stupid, every time I tried to speak to her it came out all wrong, like anything I said just became all twisted and mean. I swear I never meant to hurt you, your perfect to me and no matter what you say or do I swear to you I will never fall out of love with you because I don't think I could ever want anyone else Issy," Miles rambles adorably, playing with strands of my hair and stroking my cheek occasionally as he holds eye contact with me even when I look away out of the sheer panic and exhilaration that came with hearing his words. There are slight tears in my eyes much to my embarrassment. The grip I had on his jumper has loosened. How could I never see through his silly façade. All this time this beautiful boy was in love with me and I thought he hated my guts. It's almost laughable at how hopeless we were because even though we argued, nothing ever seemed to be able to stop us from letting go of eachother, emotionally speaking... and physically. 

"I only want you too Miles," I manage to say although my voice did break a little bit from the amount of emotions welling up inside of me. I feel like it was such a simple response but I honestly still don't know what to say to him right now. 

"You don't have to struggle with a perfect reply Is, I know you took in what I said," He says, kissing the top of my head lightly and smiling at me. I smile back at him and plant a long kiss on his lips. He has changed so much from that annoying, snappy, arrogant kid he used to be.

"Wanna go down stairs and eat pancakes?" Miles says, breaking the kiss. 

"Of course," I say enthusiastically. 

Flora is chilling on the couch and sipping a glass of warm milk whilst Miles and I are finishing up our mini stack of waffles which are covered in blackberries, raspberries, cream and maple syrup which is drizzled over the top. 

"This is so good, thanks Miss Grose," I say, conscious of just swallowing a big mouthful that may have left a lot of syrup around my mouth. 

"You're welcome dear," Miss Grose replies in her usual tone, although she did sound a fraction nicer. Ha she's warming up to me...finally. Miles looks at me and raises his eyebrows in mock shock, he must have noticed her subtle change in attitude towards me. He grabs a paper towel and wipes my mouth with it...oh he looked at me like that because I had whipped cream smeared on my face. For some reason, I don't even feel that embarrassed, I'm just glad to be in his company because as much as we tease eachother neither of us is cruel in a judgmental way anymore. Wait was miss Grose amused by the amount of cream on my face? Is that why her tone changed? Ok now I am slightly embarrassed. He smiles at me and shakes his head which is his way of calling me an idiot. I silently chuckle until my face goes red before resting my head on his shoulder. I kiss his cheek quickly as I get up and put my plate in the sink. I glance back at Miles whose gaze was following me the entire time, colour rising in his cheeks when I raise an eyebrow at him. I mess up his hair as I walk past him and towards Flora.  

"Hey Flors," I say, sitting down next to her and resting my head on a pillow. 

"Hi Issy," Flora beams, finishing the rest of her milk and grabbing the picture frame beside her which is filled with Miles' trash drawing.

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