¡Chapter 1¡

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~Chapter 1~

«A New filthy cat?» he asked with a smirk on his face. «What will We do with it?» a small cat asked but his mother hushed him.

«Kill it!»

«Destroy it!»

«Make it our slave!»

«Make it bow to us!»

«Make it suffer!»

Cats kept on saying What they'd do to Crystal. «Shh!» The big cat hushed them by letting his big wings go out.

The cats stayed back and watched scared for their leader. «Yes leader.» all the cats Said and their ears were down.

«DawnStar i asked this cat to join.»the queen stepped up. «HoneyPebble that would help if We had it as a filthy cat.» he Said and looked at her admiring What to do with her.

«Whats the name?» he asked. «Its Crystal, leader.» she Said dipping her head and walked back sit down with her family. «Wait!» DawnStar Said and stopped the cat. «You Can Get her to the power waterfall.» he Said. «I cant, leader, i have kits.» she Said and she was looking at her family.

«I can do it.» The tom holding her got ready to Get her to this wierd place called the power waterfall.

«Alright, go!» DawnStar would show a signal and without further ado Crystal was in DappleFlight's mouth and got brought to another place again. «Go.» he ordered Crystal. «Why?» she asked standing up for herself.

«Because i say so!» he sighed and pushed her hardly in The CAVE. «Go inside The power waterfall, filthy cat.» he Said and Crystal didnt want to d¡e so she did as he Said. «Good animal.» he snarled and waited for her.

The CAVE was big and had a glowing waterfall in The middle, with a puddle surrounding it. Crystal walked to it and When her nose touched The water it lighted up and she got in a dream.

«It cant be-« a cat with a tail that ended with a shadow and shadow paws and eartips would look at her.

There was a really bright light There so Crystal blinked several times before she could se The cats around her.

«I think it is.» a cat whom was bright white with big feathered wings looked at her. «They already took her here? I Can see The marks from SkyClan's deputy on her poor face and back.» The cat with The big wings Said and looked at her with a worried look.

A cat with fur as a storm and Lightning in his fur looked at her. «SkyStar you know What your cats did to us...» she Said and she was really young compared to The other 4.

«I know ThunderStar... They did The same.» he Said and comforted her with his cloudy wings and fur.

Crystal looked at his eyes and They were just like The sky. «So, little rouge did you chose this way?» a cat who had water paws, tail and ears looked at her.

Crystal was scared still shocked from How DappleFlight had taken her without asking to join. «No.» she answered her voice shaking.

«Aww, its gonna be Okay.» a cat who had vines on her legs and wrapped around her tail Said, she also had brown fur.

«Thank you, WindStar, i hope your cats will take care of this one, if They Even think about it.» SkyStar Said.

Suddenly SkyStar nodded to the others and he went to Crystal. «You will Get your wings, and please save this world, before They take over.» Crystal tilted her head on the last one. Take over? She asked herself and felt something heavy on her back. I have wings! She thought and woke up from the dream.

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