"Hello Dr. Kennedy. Please welcome.My apologies for calling you this late at night but we have an emergency.Please Come with me."

I entered inside the room followed by Dr kennedy and my husband.

"He is your patient for today. "

"I thought I will met the same face as my last visit,this time.however this one is also fine." He says with a small grin and a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"I don't think you will see her soon because she is out of the country".

"Well,I predicted it by the silence this house holds right now." A small chuckle slips his mouth. Making us also smile.

"Is there something serious? ".I ask him as he check the nerves of the boy.

"He got beaten up . The bruises are all over his face and upper body with some mild fever.Well I have dressed the wounds and also given him the necessary medications along with some tablets to ease the pain and to recover fast.I think he will woke up by next morning." Kennedy says as he collects his tools.

"Once again thanks for coming,Kennedy." He is our family doctor from long time so formality doesn't suits.

"Anytime Arina.Goodbye."

"Escort him to the gate." I ordered one of the guards.

"Looking at his clothes,I don't think he comes from a good family." Will,my husband says with a pitiful tone.

"It doesn't matter Will.Look at his condition, I don't understand why people are like this. Beating someone like this is just cruelty." I said frustrated just thinking how could someone be this brutal to hurt other person.I just hate people who hurt others to prove and satisfy their ego and strength.

"Arina world doesn't work on our terms. Everyone have different reasons for doing things.We are no one to say anything".He pauses and continues again." One more thing Arina, he can't stay here.She could get back home any time soon and I dont want a drama here. You get me?"

"Yes I did." I said with a slight of sadness in my voice.

"Good.Now let's get back to our room."

The morning came by so fast and i was on the breakfast table joined by Will. Maids were serving us breakfast and Will ,he was eating with one hand and and with other checking the emails on his laptop. Not to mention, he is a businessman, the owner of one of the biggest MNC here in America.He has worked so hard to earn the place where he stands today and this makes me more then just proud about him.

"Okay honey,I am leaving."

He says while giving me a quick peck on my lips.

"Hmm.Take care and drive safely.

" Yeah...Byy."

As I was coming back to the dining table one of the maid informed me that Mr. Strange is awaken now.

I entered his room after a light knock.

"Good morning. How are you feeling right now?" I asked him as I walked closer to his bed.

He was startled to see himself in a new place

" Who are you?and where the heck am I?" He says as panic takes over his voice.

"Hey, don't panic and calm your self.you are in a safe place now.I found you last night on the road. You were not in your senses.So that's why I brought you to my home".
I saw him feeling relaxed after hearing my words. "Thanks for helping me."he says with his tired ,heavy morning voice.

The Secret of the EyesWhere stories live. Discover now