CHAPTER-16_The Magical horse

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"So how exactly did you reach on time bhrata?" - Sahadev questioned.

"Don't you know our Arjun can do anything, except impressing maidens" - Bheem taunted.

"That ain't the truth bhra..." Arjun interrupted.

"So? Have you ever impressed a girl?" - Yudhisthir questioned in a playful tone, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, bhrata Arjun can possibly not do that!" - Nakul said laughing.

Arjun sighed as a red blush covered his cheeks possibly due to anger or was it shame. Well, no one had ever witnessed Arjun getting shy so possibly it was disgust caused due to the topic. This was perfectly observed by all his companions which made them drop their act of taunting Arjun for fun.

"Well, bhrata you can just tell us about how you reached on time. For now!"

"Remember a month back, I went to the forest to save the tribals from the wild animal attacks. As each of them, in the end, was safe, their head gifted me a magical horse with special powers, at night it can fly. I thought of checking it out by making this journey. That's how I reached here Nakul!"

"Woah! So you had an air ride this time Arjun!" Bheem said while rubbing his belly.
"The food was so good, I guess I ate a lot!"

"Well Bharta Bheem, I thought you always ate a lot! " - Nakul burst into laughter right after completing the sentence.

"Is this the way you talk to your Big Brother Nakul... You'll definitely have to pay for this!" Bheem said, grinding his teeth to scare Nakul.

As Bheem started to chase Nakul around in the room, Arjun's eyes caught the sight of the moon. It seemed to be brighter, bigger and even more enchanting than it ever did or maybe Arjun never paid much heed to admire its beauty


Well, i know this update took a lot of time, and I'm really sorry for this. Also, i know its a short update, but the next one would be worth it!
I'm srry once again!

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