Class vs Avengers Pt 1

Start from the beginning

Doom's eyes glanced over the returning villains, assessing their progress with a mixture of impatience and curiosity. He turned his attention to Taskmaster and spoke with an edge in his voice. "Took you long enough. Report."

Taskmaster leaned against the bar, unflinching under Doom's piercing gaze. "We encountered a minor setback during the deal. Naturally, we resolved the situation, and we obtained the desired gear."

Doom's expression remained inscrutable, his displeasure barely contained. "Ensure that such incidents do not repeat, Taskmaster. We cannot afford any more complications."

Crossbones interjected, his gruff voice laced with annoyance. "Don't worry, Doom. Stinger won't be a problem anymore. We made sure of it."

Doom nodded, seemingly satisfied with their resolution. "Very well. Show me what you've acquired."

Taskmaster reached into a nearby duffel bag and revealed an assortment of advanced weaponry and gadgets. His gloved hands displayed an impressive array of firearms, energy-based devices, and intricate gear designed to enhance their abilities.

Electro, with electricity coursing through his veins, leaned closer to the table. "These gadgets are a game-changer, Doom. With these, our powers will be even deadlier."

Ghost, his voice barely audible, added, "And the stealth tech we obtained will grant us unparalleled advantage in infiltrations and covert operations."

Kurogiri, the living mist and loyal lieutenant of the League of Villains, materialized near the bar. "Impressive acquisitions, indeed. These resources will undoubtedly aid us in our quest for dominance."

Doom acknowledged Kurogiri's presence with a nod. "Indeed, Kurogiri. Your assistance in coordinating these operations has been invaluable."

As the atmosphere in the bar seemed to ease slightly, Taskmaster took the opportunity to inquire about two prominent figures who were notably absent from their midst. "Kurogiri," he began, "where are Whiplash and Green Goblin? I expected them to be here."

Kurogiri, his dark mist swirling with a hint of mystery, replied, "All for One dispatched them on a personal assignment. He deemed their unique skills necessary for a covert operation that requires utmost secrecy."

Crossbones leaned forward, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Personal assignment? What's All for One up to? He's always playing his cards close to his chest."

Kurogiri's reply was cryptic, as was often the case with the enigmatic villain. "All for One's ambitions are vast, and his plans extend beyond our current scope. We must trust that he knows what he's doing."

Taskmaster nodded, understanding that questioning All for One's decisions was unwise. He turned to Ghost, who had raised a crucial concern. "Kurogiri, what about Tomura Shigaraki? Is he not going to join us?"

Kurogiri hesitated, knowing that Tomura held great significance for them. "Tomura Shigaraki is on a separate path for now. He has important matters to attend to that require his singular focus. Rest assured, when the time is right, he will rejoin our cause."

Ghost's translucent form shifted uneasily. "I hope he's not getting in over his head. Tomura is a valuable asset to us."

"Indeed," Kurogiri acknowledged, "but he has proven himself capable. All for One has entrusted him with critical responsibilities."

Red Skull interjected with a sardonic smile, "Ah, the complexities of leadership. Every leader has their favored ones, but remember, loyalty can be a double-edged sword."

Kurogiri, agreed with a nod. "True words, Red Skull."

Doctor Doom looked at Taskmaster. "Did Tinkerer have what I was wanting?"

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