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TK pov
I'm holding Carlos hand, I know how it feels to get the tube out, it's not good, I'm scared but I know that is going to be better.

The nurse takes off the tape, it hurts but she is doing it carefully, Carlos is holding and caressing my hand, my dad and Andrea near.

"Ok Tyler, you're gonna have to cough ok?, ok tell you when".

They prepare some other things, and then I feel like I'm gonna throw up, something going deep in my mouth

"Cough, cough, cough" they say to me and I try and then the pain comes when they take the tube out. 

They suction my mouth, I feel sick.

I squeeze Carlos hand 

"You did good baby" he says 

"Ok Tyler, we are gonna put you  this" the doctor says as the nurse puts me a mask, I can feel air in my lungs again, but at the same time it's weird because of the pressure.

"Good, try deep breaths please" the doctor says as he listens to my chest
I try, I really try I don't know if I did it, just feels weird.

"Ok, the lungs are still getting use to do the work again, we are going to have in in observation, until we are sure this worked" the doctor says to my dad, and Carlos.

I can't really hear what they saying because, breathing is hard, tiring and it hurts. Carlos is talking to me but I can't understand. 

They are still checking my chest and everything. 

I'm getting dizzy, like I'm gonna pass out, I squeeze Carlos hand, getting some sort of control on my body. But I still feel like my head it's shutting off.

"What... babe... pain... breathe... TK...."Carlos is talking but I can't really listen.

"O2... down... enough... oxygen... intubate... hurt... trache..."

And suddenly everything it's black

Carlos pov

The tube is out, I can't be more proud of TK, he's just so strong, the doctor puts a mask in his nose and mouth, that is going to help him breathe, TK's chest is moving in a weird way like he can't do it

"Ok, the lungs are still getting use to do the work again, we are going to have him in observation, until we are sure this worked" the doctor says to me and Owen.

I'm listening but I can't stop seeing TK

"How does it feels babe?"

He looks really tired 

I look to the doctor and ask 

"Can he rest a little bit"

"He probably will" the doctor answers me 

"Ok—" I'm talking to the doctor when TK squeezes my hand multiple times

"What is wrong, babe, are you in pain?" I say getting anxious, because it looks like he can't breathe "Babe, TK, I need you to breathe, take a deep breath"

I say almost yelling 

The doctor and nurses, come closer and pull me aside.
"The O2 levels are going down, he's not getting enough oxygen" one of the nurses says.
"I can't intube again, it'll hurt his windpipe, the last option is a tracheotomy" the doctors says lowering TK's bed.
TK's eyes rolling down.

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