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Owen pov
TK's scream was one of the hardest thing to hear, he passes out, I think is better that way, maybe.
We accomplish to get the car out and start working on the door, we take it off.
Tommy takes the scene and gets Tk ready for transport, we get him out, and they roll him to the ambulance.
Judd comes behinds me
"Go with them I'll take care of what's left" he says
I just nod and get into the ambulance.
Tommy and Nancy start working on TK, first securing his leg, which was in a weird position and so bloody, Tommy was getting his clothes off and checking his chest, my mind is racing, because I need to call Gabriel and Andrea, and TK is in really rough shape.
"His O2 levels are really down, Cap" Nancy says
"I think both of his lung are perforated" says Tommy " I need to get a tube in now, give me the kit!"
The scene going in front of my eyes, was all blurry and it happened so fast and at the same thing it was the longest moment of my life. He was talking not even 2 minutes ago, what's going on.

Fracture ribs, leg and arm, dislocated shoulder, perforated lungs...
I can't lose him

I can't

We arrived to the ER, they took him and start working on him.
I need to call Gabriel, I take my phone out of my pocket, my hand is full of blood and it's shaking. I pull his number and press call, I don't know what am I going to say to him.
"Hello" Gabriel answers
"Hello.. Hum, listen" why am I so nervous
"Hey Owen is everything all right?"
" No, listen, TK and Carlos had an accident, a car accident, I'm at the hospital"
"What?!, are they ok?, we are on our way"
"Yeah, be careful, they still don't tell me much"
"Ok, okay, we'll be there in 15 minutes"
"Yeah, drive safe"
I end the call, and Tommy comes by my side
"Hey, how you doing? Sorry stupid question"
"No it's fine, I uhm, I don't know, I called Carlos' parents, uhm ...you know how are they doing?"
" Carlos is stable, he's in surgery, he broke some ribs, and has a concussion, that's all I know"
"What about TK?, and please be honest"
" His condition it's worst Owen, his lungs weren't working, they intubated, he's in surgery too, he lost a lot of blood" she says putting her hand in my shoulder " But we know TK ok?, he's a fighter and he has so much to fight for, you hear me?"
I just nod, I can't see TK so bad again. So we just sit and wait.

Minutes later Gabriel and Andrea arrive, they look devastated, especially Andrea. We told them the situation and wait until we have news.
Then the team arrives and wait with us.

Around 4 am a doctor comes into the waiting room
"Family Reyes?" We all get up "Just close family"
Andrea Gabriel and me go with the doctor.
"How is he doing doctor?" Andrea asks
"He is stable, we got him in the ICU because his brain is really swollen because of the hit of the impact, we induced a coma, so that his body recovers without additional pain and stress, he broke 2 ribs, fortunately, they weren't displaced so they'll heal right his jaw was broken, we put some plates, it should heal fine" he explains
"How long is it going to be the coma?" Gabriel asks hugging Andrea
" Until the inflammation goes down, we are looking very close his labs and he's doing good, probably 2 to 3 days, but we'll see"
" Can we see him?" Andrea says. With tears in her eyes
"Of course, follow me"

On the way I ask about TK
" He's still on surgery, his leg is shattered, so it's going to last longer, but we'll keep you updated"
"Thank you" I can't wait anymore, I'm panicking inside.

We arrived to Carlos' room, he has a bandage on his head a tube coming out of it, another tube coming out of his mouth, breathing for him, his face swollen and some scratches.
I don't come in.

Andrea Pov

We came in to the room, and my boy is connected to so much  machines, I run to his side, grab his hand and caress his cheek.
" Hola mi niño" tears coming out of my eyes, he looks bad but he looks at peace, he's not feeling pain. Gabriel comes to my side and hugs me.
"You can stay here, if you need anything there's a button" the doctor says and he leaves
"Than you" Gabriel says
We stay there, Owen went back I can't imagine how he's feeling.

Owen Pov
I go to the waiting room and inform everyone, and wait for TK.
I don't know how many hours had passed, but the another doctor comes
"Family Strand?"
I get up " Yes it's me" " how's he doing"
"Please follow me, we should talk in private"

So that was it, if you have a request or a suggestion please let me know

Have a good day!

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