It's okay my love

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Owen pov
I'm by TK's side, getting sleepy, i hear something weird on the monitors, I look but everything it's fine, I decide to talk to him, I grab his hand and massage it, talking about the people that have been coming and all the food they have left. I talk to him about work, they are looking for a temporary replacement for his job. I talk to him about everything .

I suddenly a feel I squeeze in my hand. I stop, he squeezed my hand

"Tk? TK can you hear me?" I say 

"Tk if you can hear me, squeeze my hand, come on son"

I feel another squeeze, he is doing it.

Relief running through my body

He is awake

I instantly push the button, so that the doctor comes

He is awake ...

TK pov
When I pass through the door I'm somewhere else, and the pain hits me hard, I want to go back but I don't know where I am, I can hear a steady beeping, and some other weird noises, I feel pain all over my body, I can feel someone grabbing my hand, he is talking, at the beginning I couldn't understand what he was saying, but then I start grabbing words.

It's my dad

Where's Carlos?

Where am I?

I need to know what's happening but my head is just not cooperating, the pain is getting stronger, I realized that my eyes are closed, I try to move, it's hard but I manage to move my hand.

My dad stops talking

"Tk? TK can you hear me?" He says

Yes I can hear you, I can.

"Tk if you can hear me, squeeze my hand, come on son"

I do as he says even though it's painful

"Yes son. Can you open your eyes Tk?"

I try but it feels like they are glued.

I try again and I can, everything it's really bright, I closed them.

My dad lets go of my hand for a moment.

"Come on TK, try again"

I do and I'm able to open my eyes, is not that bright anymore, I really can't see much, but my dad is there.

I'm tired and in pain but I need to know where Carlos is.

I try to talk but something is in my mouth, I panic and try to reach it, my dad holds my hand, I try with my other hand but I can't move it, I panic more.

"Hey, hey TK, relax it's okay, relax, you need that tube ok?"

I look at him, why would I need a tube

"It's helping you breathe, you need to relax"

I can't relax, the pain it's unbearable, I can barely move, and I don't know where Carlos is.

My dad sees my discomfort

"Tk, are you in pain?"

I try to nod, but something it's stopping me, and it's painful

"Squeeze my hand one time for yes and two for no"my dad says

I squeeze his hand once

"Ok, the doctor it's coming all right?" He says passing his hand through my hair

It's relaxing but still I need to know if Carlos is ok

I squeeze his hand again, and again, begging that he understands me.

Don't let go- TarlosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora