I can't find you

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Something wakes me up, the room is dark, i look into the clock, its 00:00, i roll to Carlos but he is not there, he might be in the bathroom or something. I fall asleep again.

I wake up to clarity, the window is open, i thought that i close it last night, i roll to Carlos side, he is not there, the clock says 08:08, maybe he went out for a run, i get up and look in the bathroom, i go to the kitchen and nothing, not even a note.

I start doing breakfast, my anxiety grows and i decide to call him, it doesn't even ring. I check but his car, it's a little bit to much dirty but is here, maybe he comes in a little while, I take a shower, his shampoo is not there, I thought he just bought one. Everything is getting weird.

Time passes, he doesn't arrive, is he mad?, maybe they call him from work, but his car is here. I decided to call his partner.

"Hello, TK" she answers

"Hi, I just wanted to ask if Carlos is with you?"

She stays quiet for a moment "Uhm, no TK, are you ok?"

"No, no, it's okay, thank you and sorry for bothering you"

"Yeah no worries, take care"

I end the call, I'm getting really scare, I tried to call him again but nothing.

I decide to go to Andrea and Gabriel's house, I don't wanna call them first so that they don't worry, I arrive and Andrea opens the door.

"TK, what a nice surprise, how you been? I heard you have been doing better, how was the program?" She says hugging me.

What program?

"Hi, I'm fine, well I came to see if Carlos is here, I can't find him since the morning and I'm getting worried" I explain

She looks at me like I'm crazy, and like she is mad.

I don't understand.

"Tk is this a joke?" She says mad

"What?, no why would I joke with that?" I say serious

"Tk stop doing what your doing" she says walking into the kitchen I follow her

"I'm serious Andrea, I'm worried, I can't find him" I say

Why is she like this, I'm so scare.

"Of course you can't find him TK" she snaps, her eyes getting watery

"Andrea I don't understand, did he tell you where was he gonna be?" I ask again

Gabriel comes into the kitchen

"Tk, hi, how was the program?"

"What program?, never mind, Gabriel I can't find Carlos" I say the urge in my voice intensifies

He puts the same face as Andrea and I feel like stupid.

"TK, what are you talking about ?" He ask me

"I can't find him, he wasn't in the house this morning and he is not answering my calls" I explain

They look at each other and Andrea grabs my hand.

"Tk is this serious?"she asks me gently

I nod

"TK, you don't remember?" Gabriel asks

"What?, he didn't tell me where he was gonna be. Did he tell something to you!"

They stay quiet for a minute

"What?!" I ask again, they stare at me like I'm a weirdo.

"TK, Carlos died 2 years ago" Andrea says looking at me with tears in her eyes.

Don't let go- TarlosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz