Chapter 7

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I woke up alone in the back of a truck, sobbing silently because of the wound on my leg, many hours must have passed by since I was abducted, the moon shining through the only window in the vehicle. The last thing I remember is being taken away by men in suits, Hashimoto no less, and I was so close to home, then I felt a ripping pain in my body before I could defend myself. They must've heard the conversation I had with Kiriko, or there's probably a mole in the police, doesn't surprise me but it did nothing to calm me down. I was enraged at this point and I won't let anyone keep me here.

In the back of my mind, I was glad to have left my cat food and water so he doesn't starve, my dad must have called me dozens of times already, and wondered if Kiriko is worried about my whereabouts... Why would she again? I don't know...

I heard voices getting near the door, and once it opened I was met by none other than the Clan staring at me menacingly, as if that would do something. I was pushed out of the truck, falling onto the dirt and glaring when they laughed at my incapability of fighting back, I was forced to sit in front of a guy with a demon mask, and the cloth that prevented me from speaking was removed. "I want to know where our men are, we know you have them." Direct to the point.

"They are dead." They glanced at each other in silence, and gripping the gun without patience, he pointed it at me. "You want me to believe a girl like you killed a whole group? Who do you think we are?!"

"Hashimoto, a clan that as soon as Overwatch terminated Shimada you were up to stole everything from it, like cowards." I moaned in pain and coughed when I was hit in the face, the soreness is going to be real even when I'm done healing my injuries. My chair was yanked to the ground and I swallowed a whine, staring at the mask with widened eyes from where I lay. "What? Don't tell me you're afraid of us now, you sounded so confident with yourself." The muzzle of the weapon rested on my forehead, and I breathed heavily. "Nobody is going to save you, Yōkai will never find you. Your girlfriend doesn't know you are here, baka na komusume!"

I laughed, staring at him with evident wrath in my eyes. The men yelled out, getting the attention of the leader who turned his head to the side, only to be met with an obscured figure kneeling beside him, his hand trembled, and the gun was dropped instantly. A chilling sensation caged the group within the factory with sheer fear, and freeing myself with fire magic, my veins turned to gold as I stared at the recoiling men. "Mm, I thought you said something. Guess it was my imagination..." The temperature lowered abruptly, to the point where the glass began breaking, and they begged. They begged. "Kill them." I muttered to my companion, and turned around toward the exit while hearing screams.

When I stepped outside I came to a halt when I met familiar eyes staring at mine in equal shock, before setting her eyes on my wound.

I don't who was it, but someone from the Yōkai whispered 'death', and suddenly everyone knows what happened inside. I felt them judge me, as if it was my fault I was captured. "(Y-Y/N)..." Murmured Kiriko, her pupils changing to blue. "Don't. They thought they could kidnap me without consequences, well... T-This is what... Happens..." My consciousness began slipping away, and Kiriko took me in her arms before I could hit the ground. "No! No, no, no! Stay with me, (Y/N)!" She was crying as she embraced me closer to her, letting her magic heal me as the others fought the remaining of the Hashimoto in the area, at some point I was given to Sakura and for the first time I saw Kiriko fight, she was angry, I had never seen her like that, and it was my fault...

I came back to myself in my bed, having waking up by the sun annoying me, and my cat mewling beside me. I chuckled weakly and pet him, happy to be back home and safe... Thanks to Kiriko...
I walked to the living room and found the house empty, just like I assumed, my leg hurt like a bitch even if there was no mark. I took a bath and sat on the couch with the feline on my lap, there was nothing to watch on TV so I gave up and left it on some drama channel. My eyes wavered emptily the more I stared at the screen, and I felt my mind slipping away for a second.

I sighed softly. "Come in." I said, and Kiriko froze in place when I called out to her from inside. She set her foot in and I smelled the doughnuts she usually brings for us to share, leaving them on the table in front of the couch, she sat next to me with uncomfortable silence. "I'm... I'm glad you are okay..." I didn't say a word and slowly glanced at her, only to find the fox's eyes already set on mine. They were puffy from all the tears she let out yesterday. "Me too." I answered, not meaning to sound arrogant. "Thank you for healing my wound." Kiriko hummed, and dammit, I swear there's never been a silence so agonizing as this one between us.

"I'm sorry--" Both of us said at the same time, shutting up afterward. I took a deep breath and spoke first. "I... Didn't want you to see that side of me. Not yet at least... I've gotten so far in the world of magic that I can do anything, even things I'm not proud of, and things that make others run away."

"You really are as powerful as you said, we saw what you did..." Muttered Kiriko, playing with her fingers nervously. "Look (Y/N), I-- I'm sorry for what I said, and I'm sorry for screaming at you, I didn't want you getting hurt because of me... I couldn't live with myself these past hours, just thinking of them touching you is--" She pursed her lips, hiding her face with her hands. "I can't take it... You looked astonishingly beautiful the first I saw you, it was impossible for me not to stay near you, you are so kind, funny, compassionate and strong and I... Seeing you bleeding in my arms... I don't want to lose you..." Tears flowed down my cheeks the more she spoke out her feelings. "Daisuki, (Y/N)..." Before I could process what my body was doing, my lips were on hers immediately, surprising her but quickly reciprocating it.

When we pushed away, she smiled brightly. "Does this mean you forgive me...?"

I couldn't help but flash her one back. "Now and always, my fox..."

She has given me a reason to have a heart...

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