I quickly tell Mikky about my night with Pablo, about how I heard Amila, Aurora and his mother and about the situation around Lily and Pedri. After that we both went to Mikky's house. New years eve is always a big holiday and a special day, but Mikky told me she wanted to keep it casual. The team agreed... clearly nobody was really in the mood to dress up or anything.

'We usually eat, drink and then we just play dumb games when we're drunk.' Mikky told me. I didn't really care what we were going to do. At least I would see Pablo...


The rest of the day I spend at Mikky's house, fitting her new clothes, in which I'm going to model next week. Around 7PM everyone arrives. 

Pedri and Pablo are the last one's. Pedri doesn't seem to be mad anymore. I don't know why but he seems to have forgotten about it and I'm fine with that! When the doorbell rings I immediately get up from my seat and walk to the door. 

Pedri and Pablo are both standing there smiling. I let them in and give a quick hug to both of them. When me and Pablo hug I feel a few butterflies in my stomach... I just can't help it!

'Are we the last one's?' Pedri asks. 'Yup.' I turn around and then I see Alejandro standing behind me. 'Bro we need to talk.' he says towards Pedri. Pedri groans and the he nods. 'Yes we do.' he says and walks over to Alejandro. God is the drama already starting?

Pablo looks confused in their direction as they make their way upstairs. 'What are they gonna talk about?' Pablo asks. I smile. 'About Lily.' I say and also look at the two going up. 'What did I miss?' Pablo says. I smile. 'Well, a lot clearly.'

'I also missed that you're going to Paris next week.' he says. I nod. 'Yes, how did you know that?' 
'Pedri told me. How long are you going there?' he asks me. 'Four days.' I answer.
'Four days?!' Pablo shouts. 'You're leaving me for four days?' he says.

I chuckle. 'I'm not leaving you, I'm just going on a girls trip!' I say. Pablo nods. 

'Hello love birds!' I roll my eyes when I hear Ferran's voice. Sira nudges him and walks to Pablo to give him a hug. 'Are you guys coming to the living room?' she asks. 'Yes of course.' I immediately say. 'Where's Pedri?' Lily asks who also joined us. 'He's talking to Alejandro.' I answer. Sira gasps and Ferran just looks confused. Lily looks as if she literally wants to die. Sira quickly wraps her arm around her. 'They're probably talking about the game!' she says. Pablo opens his mouth to say they're talking about Lily, but I quickly nudge him as well so he shuts up.

When we enter the living room everyone is just sitting at the couch. 'What pizza do you want Nina?' Ansu asks as I sit next to him. 'Peperroni is alright for me.' I say. Pablo plops down next to me. 'And for you?' Ansu asks Pablo. I don't listen to Pablo's answer, because then I see Pedri and Alejandro walking into the room. 

They both have a pockerface on. And they both sit next to Lily. I see her awkwardly grabbing her phone to avoid eye-contact. 'Poor Lily...' Pablo says as he looks at the love triangle. 'Well, she has two guys fighting over her. She's kinda lucky!' Ansu says. I disagree with Ansu. I was in the same position and I know how shit it was. 

'Shall we play some FIFA?' Memphis says. Everyone agrees and five minutes later Pablo passes the controller to Pedri and Frenkie passes it to Alejandro. 'May the best man win.' Alejandro says loudly. Pedri rolls his eyes and then they start their game. After a minute Alejandro scores.

'GOAAAL!' he shouts and high fives Eric next to him. 'You cheated man.' Pedri says. 'Come on Pedri! Can't handle to lose?' Alejandro says. 'You were just lucky ones man. That doesn't mean you win her... I mean... the whole game.' Pedri looks a little red. And Lily just stares to the screen as if she didn't just heard his little mistake.

I'm your Angel | Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now