Ring on finger

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Why are they crying? Because they met here. Fell in love here. Had many many many memories here. They lived here and now they have to leave and move on. At least together.

It's 1:42 PM. Seonghwa took San and Woo to Woo's old home. He stepped inside. Home sweet home.


It's been a month, everyone lives in their own house. Happy. One day Woo and San are holding hands, having a walk in a big grassy field together. Making memories.

When suddenly San let go of Woo's hand. Woo looked round confused.

"San? Why did you let go?" Woo asked. San took a deep breath and gulped.

He then bent down on one knee and took both Woo's hands. He looked up at him smiling brightly. Woo was still confused.

"Wooyoung. We've been together for like 4 years now. We've had break ups but we always get back and push through the hard troublesome times together. I remember clearly when we first met. I remember all our memories clearly. I wanna make more memories. Since we've been together for 4 years, I should of done something about it earlier. I wanna take another step into our relationship" San started. Woo was confused. Still. But he loved the speech as he blushed and cracked a smile.

Suddenly San let go of his hands and took something out his Jean pocket. It was a little black box and he opens it. The ring shines brightly, reflecting of the sun. Woo was frozen as his jaw slowly drops. He goes so so red as a tear drops down. I've been waiting four years for this moment. Finally.

"Will you marry-"

"YES" Woo screams before San could finish. San smiles as he cries too and stands up as they have a tight hug and have a long big kiss.

After the big hug and kiss they wipe each other's tears (tears of joy) as San gets the ring and slips it on Woo's finger.

"Let's get married."


"I love you"

"I love you way more"


This is so cute awww


I never ever want to end this story as I love this story. But it's gotta end some day.

I promise I'll make another Woosan story at some point, when I have enough time.

Daily Woosan for Ml's <3 :

Daily Woosan for Ml's <3 :

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
My hot roommate [Woosan] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang