Road Trip

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Chapter 11 Road Trip !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone was kinds ignoring me band practice was getting cancelled regularly so I had a sneaky supision its either a surprised for my 18th bday coming up in a week or I did something wrong.
Vee asked me to take her for high school shopping and I needed to spend some money also by my surprised it hit me she's 14 and going to high school already skipping 2 grades and Nathan have been giving her drum lessons
As we got into my jeep and drove to the mall we gonna meet Natalie there also
On our way vee asked me if I can tell her about Andy she doesn't remember much about him she was very little
To my surprising she wanted to know how he died
I just smiled at her and say our brother died in a car crashed it was late at night Andy never drove if he ain't sober so he was it was a rainy night after a consert he was going to Claire I think his gf a truck had jscknife on the corner of the mountain road and because of the wet road Andy breaks didn't work so he swung the car he was driving a porch the car spin in circles and went of the mountain
On the way to the mall I told her how he was his personality interest his obsession with music how he always put everyone needs before his own she just smiled and say that's sound exactly like us I give her a wink and say cuz we related we get it from both our parent we went on talking about our dad and high school and my plans for next year I am planning on taking a leap year before collage so me and my friends can all start together.
Just as we entered the mall I got a text from Natalie bishh where are u I'm board
I just reply back here entrance 4
I told them I'll catch up with them now as they walked in I dug out a cigarette and lit it saying fuck Andy I miss u why did it happen why did u leave me behind I want my brother back as soon as I'm done smoking I baster myself with perfume and went inside looking for them I found them easily some people where taking photos with Natalie the literally went in every clothing shop I'm pretty sure vee have a new wardrobe and so do I I also got some drum stick for her and decoration for my room and fill up my makeup collection we all went ice skating which basically ended up me falling on my ass more than I was standing we grab some burgers at Mac D and we drop Natalie at her place and we head of home.
When we talked in the front door Nathan ran upstairs with something in his hand my mom ran outside I pretend I didn't notice anything thinking to myself busted
Me and Vee ofloade the stuff we got I quickly reorganise my closets putting away the clothes and new room decor I got.
A few days went by everyone still ignoring me by this its the 19 two days before my 18th bday as I woke up everyone was downstairs waiting for me well everyone I live with they just instructed me to eat and get ready saying they already packed some clothes for me we are all going somewhere I think to myself this curiosity is killing me I wanna know.
Nathan handed me a black piece of clothing or more a cutoff of a shirt I look up and ask what this
He responded a blindfold turn around and I did so and he put it on I was escorted to my jeep and we all drove of to god Knowles where I lay on his lap and slept only times I was allowed to take it of was when I was using the restroom but as soon as I got out Vee or my mom made sure it was on again.
It felt like house we were driving I can't really tell cuz my phone was taken away I feel like I'm being grounded.
After a few more hours of me just laying there on Nathan's lap I demanded we get something to eat and Nathan pointed out I'm turning into Elize I just nod knowing she did kinda shoe me how to be bitch bossy with elegance so people will listen to me
A few min went by and we stop somewhere a drive thrue perhaps I didn't pay attention cuz Nathan hand was making it was up my shirt along the side of my ribs his thumb gently rubbing the the outside line where my bra ends I bite my lip trying not to make and sus sounds that will alert my mom a few min went by that his hand was just resting on my breast as I begin to breath heavily he quickly removed it and I was told food was here.
Eating a hamburger with chips blindfolded is a missing I can feel how the sauce dropped on my shirt but I didn't care I was hungry and this burger was like so good
After we done eating after we are done eating they dug through baggs and told me I must take of my T-shirt I obey as my shirt is of waiting for the clean one to be handed to me Vee made a comment of how firm my breast look and its bigger than hers we can trade anytime this made me blush instead of a shirt a hoodie was pulled over my head by the smell of the hoodie I know for a facts its one of Nathans hoodies one he worn recently as Nathan lay against the door and me laying on his chest as his hand made it to my breast again I dose of holding his hand in place.
As I woke up to Vee and my mom singing to some greendsy music and them talking about Andy when I let out a yang everyone was quite I just say plz continue I also wanna heard what my beloved crazy brother did.
Hearing stories and me adding a few of the ones I know he wasn't just a musician and vocalist he also like pulling pranks on people Andy had this way of bringing people together even before they started there band he was very popular with the ladies as well.
A few more hours went by as my mom made it to a dead stop saying we are finally hear
By blindfold was taken of.

FROM HIGH SCHOOL TEENAGER TO ROCKSTARNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ