Chapter 5

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Present [Dream] 3rd POV

  Corpse opened his eyes and was greeted by a field of beautiful flowers that he was laying in. He stood up and looked around, his tail swaying softly behind him. 'where am I?'

  "You're in the between old friend" a familiar voice said behind him, he turned around to see who it was. A beautiful angel stood there. She had dark brown hair, bright greenish blue eyes, a soft purple dress, big fluffy white wings, and a golden circlet on her head that slightly fell down her forehead.


  "I'm surprised you still remember me." She responded with a smile, "But I'm glad you did! I've missed talking to you!" She pulled Corpse into a hug and he hugged her back tightly.

  "Fuck I've missed you so much..." He told her. It was true, he missed her so much more then words could express. Once they broke from their hug, Marabella asked him to walk with her. As they walked, they both shared what they've both been doing since that day.

  "So, I've been watching over you for the past couple of days. I didn't think you liked humans other then me." Marabella said as they passed a small patch of lavender flowers.

  "I don't... Or at least I thought I didn't..." Corpse responded, Marabella glanced at him.

  "Why do you say it like that?" She asked, Corpse smiled.

  "Those two humans I met today, Sykkuno and Ranboo? Those two make me feel safe I guess, kind of like you did. And they know I'm a demon now thanks to... To Liam..." Corpse trailed off as memories flooded his mind, Marabella knew what had happened between him and Liam. She brought him into a hug, and held him as tears fell down his face. "I hate him..."

"I know..." She wished she could've helped him during those times, or at least could've been there for him. But she was angel, she was dead, she could only watch, she couldn't help because she didn't have the power too. But now she had enough power to visit him, to comfort him, to let him know that she was there and was trying to help just like she's always been. He thought she'd done enough for him already, she did get him out of that village and away from his abusers. And that costed her life, he thought he didn't need to trouble her anymore then he already had and that she should rest. After all, she died while helping him, so it was his fault that she died and couldn't live her life wasn't it?

  "It's not your fault." Marabella told him, Corpse looked at her for a moment. She repeated herself, "It's not your fault. It's not your fault I'm dead, it's that village's fault. Don't blame yourself ok?" 

  "But it was my fault... You died helping me..." Corpse sighed and sat down in a patch of blue bells, Marabella sat down next to him. "If you hadn't helped me or even found me then-"

  "Then what? I'd be alive sure, but what about you? Do you think that woman would've let you stay alive up to this point?" She asked him, she wasn't trying to be mean but she was trying to prove a point. One of them wouldn't be alive either way, and she'd rather Corpse get to live a semi-normal life for once. She grew up without being hurt, he didn't get that, and she knew he wouldn't have ever had any life if she didn't help him.

  Corpse, on the other hand, thought she deserved to live a normal life way more then he did. He saw he was a unlovable monster as he was conditioned to think that. "I'd rather you be alive then me... You deserve it more then me.."

  "Says who?! The thoughts that your so called mother forced into your head?! Corpse you didn't deserve to be hurt then! You don't deserve to be hurt now! You deserve to love and be loved! You deserve good things! And I know it's hard to feel that way but you do!" Marabella dragged Corpse into a tight hug. "It hurts to have to watch you call yourself things that aren't true..."

  Corpse didn't say a word, he only hugged her equally tight and stayed there as tears slowly fell down his face. Marabella rubbed his back for a few minutes, then broke from the hug.

  "I wish we could stay and talk forever... But it's time for you to wake up. I'll be here when you fall asleep again." She kissed his head softly, "Promise me you'll try to see yourself as more then a monster please? You are so much more then the trauma you went through, I swear."

  "I promise I'll try for you sister." Corpse told her, she smiled.

  "I'm glad brother." She closed his eyes, "now wake up."

  When Corpse opened his eyes, he saw his apartment ceiling. He was awake.

  'I'll try Marabella, I promise.'

Chapter end

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