Chapter 3

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Hi! Yeah I know this chapter is EXTREMELY late! But I got it out! I now have a better idea of how I want this story to play out so I hope you all enjoy where it goes!

Past 3rd POV

"Of course not! You're beautiful in my eyes!"

  'Beautiful?' Corpse looks at the little girl, completely stunned that anyone saw him as anything other then a monster, much less beautiful.

  The little girl looked at him, she was sad to see him in such a broken and hurt state. "Who hurt you?" She finally asked, Corpse looked at her for a moment.

  'should I tell her?... What would mom do if I told Marabella what she did to me?... What would Marabella do if I told her?...' Corpse thought for a moment, then decided that it was best to tell the truth.

  "M-mom... Mom was the one who hurt me..." Corpse barely got the words out before he started to cry. Marabella hugged him gently and held him. She wasn't aware who his mother was of course but she didn't need to know. What she did know was that she needed to get him out of this harmful place, and she was going to do whatever she could to do that.

  "you don't deserve any of this..." Marabella said sadly.

Present 3rd POV

  *Beep, Beep, Beep*

  "Ugh... Again with the damned alarm..." Corpse growled as he turned off the alarm. He sat up, stretched, and started his morning routine.

  After he was done, he sat down on his bed and thought about what he should do today. 'sleeping for longer would be a waste of time, and I'm not tired so that's out of the question. I don't feel like leaving my house to go on a walk, and I'd rather not risk being dragged into anything to do with humans so again another no. Fuck what am I going to do to get the day over with?'

  Corpse looked around his room, his eyes stopped on a little piece of paper that was resting on his night stand. It was the paper with Sykkuno's number on it. '...should I attempt it?... No he'll only hurt me... Right..?' He started at the paper as he wrestled with himself as to what he should do.

  After about 40 minutes, Corpse reluctantly picked up his phone and the paper. 'fuck I hope I chose a good decision...'

  *Ring, Ring*

  "Hello?" Said a soft voice.

  'Why am I doing this?!' "Hey Sykkuno, it's uh me, Corpse."

  "Oh Corpse! Hi! How are you?"

  'I'm fucking awful.' "I'm fine, how about you?"

  "I'm good, I'm actually off work today. Do you want to meet at the Autumn Leaves Café and hang out there?"

  'It's a trap. It's a trap. It's a trap.' "um... Sure..."

Sykkuno must have heard the reluctance in Corpse's voice, because he said "if it makes you uncomfortable then you don't have to go. I was just offering, I understand if you don't want to go, especially since we only just met."

  'It's a trick.. he'll hurt me if I refuse to go..' "no no it's fine, I'll go. You're offer just caught me off guard I guess."

  "Are you sure you want to go?"

  'No! I don't want to go at all!' "yeah I'm sure."

  "Alright then! I'll meet you there in an hour?"

  'no no no no no' "that sounds good."

  "Ok, bye Corpse!"

  'FUCK.' "Bye Sykkuno."

  Once Corpse hung up the phone, he dropped it on the ground, slid to the floor and started to panic. 'FUCK WHY DID I AGREE?! HES GOING TO HURT ME AND ITS GOING TO BE MY FUCKING FAULT! IM A DUMBASS! HES GOING TO FIND OUT. HES GOING TO FIND OUT. HES GOING TO FIND OUT. FUCK WHY?!'

  Corpse's breathing quickened, his chest started to ache, he was freaking out and didn't know what to do. His entire body was in pain, he couldn't catch his breath, he started clawing himself, and the only thing that kept going through his head was 'Hes going to find out, and he's going to torture me just like she did...'

  'Breathe in, 2...3...4..., Breath out, 2...3...4...' Corpse slowly calmed himself down after 15 minutes of his panic attack. 'I fucking agreed to go, I can't just not show up... Even if I'm panicked...'

  Once he fully calmed down, he put on his mask, beanie, and eye patch, grabbed his things, and reluctantly headed to the Autumn Leaves Café. He actually got there 15 minutes earlier then the agreed time, so he went ahead and got him and Sykkuno a table in one of the corners farthest from people. Despite agreeing to hang out with one, he still hated human interaction.

  He decided to listen to music as he waited on Sykkuno, so he put both his earbuds in, looked through his music, and settled on lo-fi. He figured it would help his nerves, and it did for the most part. 30 or so minutes passed and Sykkuno finally showed up. He looked around for Corpse, and it didn't take long to spot the black, curly haired man. He walked over to the table, Corpse being completely oblivious or so Sykkuno thought.

  "Hello" Corpse said, eyes closed and both earbuds in, Sykkuno didn't know how Corpse knew he was even there.

  Well being a demon has perks, granted they don't weigh out the cons but the perks are helpful. Such as extremely good hearing. Even with both earbuds in, Corpse can hear so well that he doesn't need the volume to be loud, and he can still hear everything around him. Plus anxiety and past trauma has conditioned him to be fully aware of his surroundings constantly.

  "Wow, I didn't know you knew I was here. You must be aware of who's around you alot." Sykkuno said.

  'I wish I didn't have to.' "yeah I am." he replied quietly. Sykkuno softly smiled at him, and Corpse looked to the side nervously.

  After a few minutes of awkward silence, Sykkuno spoke. "Um so I don't think I've seen you around here before, are you new to town?"

  "Sort of I guess, it's been a few years since I've been here." Corpse answered quietly. 'Or rather, it's been a few years since I was dragged here and used as a stress reliever...' he thought as the terrible memories of being given to different people came back to him. He suppressed the memories and feelings again, and looked at Sykkuno before continuing. "I just moved back here and away from my hometown."

  "Where's your hometown?" Sykkuno asked, he was genuinely curious but Corpse wasn't too happy with that question. However he answered it.

  "Uh Serenity Village, mainly the part in the middle of the woods."

  Sykkuno's next words sent pure fear into Corpse, he didn't think anyone outside of the village knew. But he realized that wasn't the case when Sykkuno said "Isn't that the town that had a demon child born?"

  "Where did you heard that?" Corpse asked, trying to stay calm the best he could.

  "I heard it from an old friend that visited there a couple years ago. Apparently the kid was abused because they were different, poor kid didn't deserve to be hurt if they were. I don't care if they were supposedly a demon, no one deserves to be abused."

Chapter end

The One Who's Soul Crys [Demon Corpse Husband]Where stories live. Discover now