Still embarrassed?

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Annabeth POV
I walked to my lockers to grab my stuff. After percy grabbed his bag and dried off, we headed to the movies.

We had plans to watch the new Romeo and Juliet the remake movie. Now you might think it was a date but really Percy was just a sucker for romance, it was nothing special.

As we were exiting the school I tripped on a stair and came tumbling into Percy's hard chest. He smelled of the oceans. Percy just chuckled as I mumbled an apology. We had been friends for almost eight years (their 16) and yet i would still get embarrassed when i did something clumsy in front of him.

"Let's go before we miss the movie" i muttered striding ahead.

"You can't seriously be embarrassed Wise girl, just because you fall doesn't mean that I don't think of you as, top of class, feisty, but super sweet, most amazing person ever" Percy exclaimed running to catch up.

I felt him spin me around, making me have eye contact with him. How could you ever be mad at his sea green eyes, it was almost like you were staring right into the ocean. "Sorry seaweed brain, its just I've known you for so long but when i trip or just do something wrong, it feels-" i broke off at the end.

"What, it feels what" he asked worriedly.

"Like I'm going to lose you" I explained softly.

He pulled me into a deep hug, it felt good.

It felt right.

Authors note:
Thank you if your reading this i will try to update regularly.
Thank you have a nice day.

P.S hi Sophia and em if your reading this.
283 words

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