Nothing Stays Hidden

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Upon identifying Moriah, I decided DUET wasn't the only cloth store around. I went to the place right opposite it and bought some outfits from it. Of course I noticed Moriah's silhouette through the window from the side of my face while I crossed.

I guess she'd just have to wear that wedding dress on her wedding..with Cornelius. I'd like only the best for her anyway.

I walked into my room and fell onto the sofa with huff. Rita wasn't here, she wouldn't be for a while.
I pulled out my choices and smiled at them with satisfaction. Cosmo wouldn't see coming.

I couldn't wait for the game. I wanted time to fly faster than it did every after my period. One blink and the day would be now but unfortunately that's not how life my life rolled.

The door slammed open and Rita and Devon rushed in hastily kissing.
'Whoa!' They pulled apart upon hearing my voice. I kept my eyes off them as I gathered my clothes, I managed to catch Rita rolling her eyes but I ignored and went to my room.

Her door slammed before mine and I knew there would be merciless intentional loud moans that night.
I didn't plan on listening either way, that's why I had ear pods.

Wishing well. Juice wrld.

I fell onto my bed before quickly jumping off and roughly rubbing against my back. I glared at the assault culprit, my brows raised.
Why the fuck was there a Rolex watch on my bed?

I snatched it from my bed angrily.

This is the part where I tell you I'm fine but I'm lying,
I just don't want you to worry_

I plucked out one of the ear pods and the remix of moans and Juice wrld didn't do it for me.
I paused it and stormed to Rita's bedroom slamming the door open. Good thing she never learned to close doors more less lock them.

'Who the fuck are these and why in my bed?' I interrupted their little sunshine moment. Devon tried to pull away but Rita tried to pretend I wasn't even there.

'Could you just get the fuck out!' Rita eventually realizing that Devon was uncomfortable spoke up.
I raised my brows. 'Haven't you been taught about personal space_'

'Oh really? And yet I am the one to find a souvenir_' I waggled the watch. '_trying to kill me in my bed.'

'Even can't just barge in at critical times.' Her eyes bulged as she yelled at me way over at the door. 'How silly of me!' She sarcastically bumped her head. 'Your mom didn't stick around to teach you_'

Everything went silent after that. I turned around immediately, not bothering to close the door and left via the main door that I left open too. Fuck her.

Devon better at least.

It was getting dark outside, saffron rays of the sun disappearing behind the horizon tainted the place.
I sighed and walked onto the street, I needed some me time. Some pizza and me time, I guess. And I knew just the place_

_why the fuck was Brad HERE.

I tried to turn away but Brad spotted me, he waved me over. Everyone looked at me standing by the door and I suddenly felt obliged to go to him. I forced a smile on my face, randomly laughing with the older people there.

I frowned when I reached Brad but he smiled at me instead. Some of my anger submerged and I felt a weird tingle in my chest.
I sat down not bothering to smile back.
'Hey!' His smile disappeared when he saw my face, he was suddenly very concerned. 'What's wrong?'

I leaned away from him noticing he was about to hold my hand. 'Nothing..jeez! Relax!'

He calmly sat back. 'I can go if you want_' He politely offered.
I shook my head.

'If anyone is to leave, it's me!' I smiled sadly, Brad was a good person. 'You were here first!'
He shrugged and looked down at his bowl of ice cream. I knew he was going to offer it but I gestured for a waiter.

'Try this's the newest flavor!' Brad tilted the bowl for me to look. It looked almost bloody but who am I to judge. If Brad's mouth seemed to like it, it must've been good.

'I'll have that then!' I smiled at the waiter who didn't return the gesture but curtly walked off grumbling a 'whatever.'
It was like Brad knew I was going to lash out because he quickly grabbed my hand and pulled my attention to him.

'So who made you this angry?' His face held a tremendous amount of concern. I almost cried. I was that kind of girl, the cry baby when anyone asked what was hurting.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and it choked me forcing my walls of tears to almost reap.
The glossy image of Brad remained for a while until I blinked it away. He was clearer now.
'I am fine..just don't do that_'

'You know I have no problem with tears, you can tell me!' His brows creased and the growing warmth in my hand reminded me that he was still holding it.

'It's Rita, she said something!' I blurted out and his face grew plain. He smiled all of the sudden.

'Its about time!' He leaned back smirking. I snatched my hand away from his.

'What is that supposed to mean?' I scowled at him, Brad was no good. I take it back. The waiter gloomily returned serving the ice cream and I smiled temporarily as he stormed off. I glared at his back before shifting my glare to Brad.

'I was starting to wonder if it was me or was your relationship oddly perfect!' He chuckled. 'Trinity, we used to fight all the time..and you_'

'That's in the past_' I interrupted but he kept talking.

'Mom always made me write apology cards to you and we went to the park the next day..we still remained friends even after that_'

'Can we not talk about this?' I abruptly raised my voice, it wasn't loud enough to attract attention but it was fair enough for Brad to stop.
He smiled though.

'Why are you so hell-bent on burying our past?' He leaned forward curiously studying my reaction. I leaned back frowning.

'You didn't make it easy for me to be able to accept it!' I whispered not giving him my eyes, I made sure he didn't hear.
'It's better that way!' I looked him in the eye speaking loud enough for him to hear.

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