Final Chapter

588 14 23

Lemon ahead.

Monotonous train noises and howling blizzard created rather calming mix. Y/N felt like she could doze off anytime. Her companion seemed to be asleep, already. Or was he, really? She frowned, feeling him turn around in bed and nuzzle against her like a cat.

„I almost forgot, you were such a teasing little slut." Y/N whined as his arm wrapped around her waist, his fingertips reaching her chest. She could not find strength to resist him, however. Her body desperately missed his touch and honestly, it was relieving to see him again, alive and well. His cuteness was far too addictive.

„Judging me for something you adore?"

„I do not like it at all!"

„You do. You love it, when I get slutty with you... so, let me repay your kindness... is not this why you invited me into your bed?" His hand slid down past her stomach.

„Begone, thot! Do you want me to push you out?!" She scolded halfheartedly. He was not completely wrong. She definitely enjoyed his teasing. She just happened to hate the thought of other people, being blessed with his free striptease show thing... against their will, but still.

„No!" He whined, clinging to her, „Please! Do not leave me, Y/N! There was not a day I spent in that jail, without thinking about you! I missed you so bad... I thought I would never get to meet you again. That made me so sad and worried. I cannot lose you once more! Please... I will behave, I promise! Let us just cuddle and sleep. Do not kick me out!"

„Does that mean you were jerking off to the memories of our last meeting?" Y/N raised her brow, glancing at her needy companion.

„Sometimes... mostly I recalled your adorably terrified face, when I pranked you." He shivered at the thought, biting his lip. „Never fails to get me off."

„Horny whore!" Y/N whispered, pressing her lips against his neck. Picturing him, pleasuring himself at the thought of her, drove her insane.

„Make me your whore." Enmu moaned, tilting his head to grant her better access to his neck. His arms immediately engulfed her waist in a tight embrace.

„I... I am sorry I was so mean. I missed you too. I cannot believe I can hold you again." Y/N sniffled, violently kissing his lips.

„Aw, shit. I should not have thrown those condoms away."


„I brought them when I left jail, hoping that I would need them with you, but I got frustrated after three weeks of futile waiting and threw them away."

„Whoa! Slut!" Y/N huffed. Just who did he think she was?! Well... not that he was mistaken.

„Wait for a minute. I think conductor finally went to sleep. Or could it be that he stopped patrolling, because missing item was found?" Enmu got out of the bed.

„Just what are you up to?"

„I need to get another pack, you know."

„I do not think they sell those in here."

„I will just need to borrow it from someone..."

„What?! You cannot just rummage through each passenger's belongings till you will find it, that is crazy! You are going to get caught!"

„It is going to be pretty easy, I will skip checking women's belongings, as well as old men's and children's, then I will narrow down the target list more and go for the young men who look especially cheerful and confident... conductor is blaming me for something I have not done, anyway. It is less likely, someone will sue me over a petty thing like that." He quickly disappeared.

Weirdo (Enmu x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang