The tables have turned

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„Alright, I have spent good fifteen minutes here, it should be enough. Now I will slowly head back to the tree, pretending that I expected seeing him there, in case somebody is watching... also, I have to make sure he escaped. I cannot leave him tied up, can I? What if he is still there? I cannot do this to that asshole." Y/N mumbled to herself, leaning against a wall of the public restroom she entered.

Y/N walked out of the stall, lost in thoughts, still not believing that she had guts to grab his ass.

„So soft... so round and warm..." She sighed dreamily, tensing a bit as lights suddenly began to flicker. „Wha... somebody better fix these light bulbs, before they will burst atop people's heads!"

With that, lights suddenly turned off.

„Shit!" Y/N hissed, reaching out her hand to feel the way out.

She followed the wall, trying to find exit, only to hear steady, heavy footsteps coming her way. What made it worse was that this side of the restroom was for women, while those footsteps definitely belonged to a man.

„Fuck this shit!" Y/N whispered, attempting to remember where did she leave her cane. Why did she let go of it, again? Because the weirdo saw right through her farce, anyway?

Footsteps continued nearing. Y/N decided to stay still and hold her breath to avoid making any noises, then slip away when the stranger would step inside, searching for the target... if she was lucky, it would turn out that he was just an innocent, confused man, who lost his way in the dark restroom and chose the wrong direction.

Considering the odd timing of lights turning off when they were alone in the building, it probably was not the case, however. Hopefully, it was merely a prank of sorts, but Y/N decided to expect the worst case scenario, just in case.

Door creaked menacingly, it was hard to listen to the footsteps in this noise.

„Let go of me!" Y/N shouted as she felt the stranger grabbing her firmly.

She struggled as she was being dragged out somewhere. The stranger stood close, holding her arms behind her back, making sure that she could not do anything but flail helplessly and weakly kick his legs. She was not in pain, but the only option she had left was shouting, which would not help her that much, because nobody seemed to be around, except the two of them.

Once they stepped out of darkness, stranger's hand touched her face, taking off her sunglasses while his other hand still held her arms behind her back.

Y/N felt him grabbing her chin roughly, forcing her to face him.

„Ah, how delightful! To think you would look so adorable... how do you like it, hmm? Being restrained... What about being deprived of sight? Hopefully it will help you get better at faking blindness..."

„You! What the hell are you up to?!" Y/N hissed, blushing slightly.

„Giving you a little fright, what else?" Weirdo giggled, releasing her, „I thought it would be fair; Convincing you that you were being assaulted by some perverted psycho — Serves you right for violating me! Also I wanted to witness the expression of your absolute terror... which turned out to look beyond thrilling, by the way... I think I am no longer mad at you for grabbing my ass... you are pretty damn cute. I might even allow you to do it again... OW! You did not have to choose violence! I was just messing with you, not actually planning to do something horrible! I would never do such a thing!"

„I know. Why do you think I slapped you, instead of kicking your balls repeatedly?"

„Oh. That makes sense. Thank you!"

„How the fuck did you untie yourself?"

„A good magician never reveals his secrets. Now, give this back, I need to capture your lovely face, before that expression changes..." Weirdo smirked, snatching back his camera and raising it. CLICK. „Ugh! Fucking disappointing!"

„Sorry, I am not photogenic enough for you, fucker!"

„No, you still look hot, just not terrified, anymore..." Weirdo sighed.

„My bad. I do not feel threatened by clowns."

„You were trembling with fear into my arms, moment before..."

„You are not going to remember that when you will jerk off, are you?" Y/N raised her brow, watching him bite his lip.

„Who knows? I will leave it to your imagination..."

„Whatever, whore." Y/N huffed, leaving the building.

„Who are you calling a whore? I do not even have a girlfriend!"

„You undress in front of everyone."

„But I am not trying to fuck anybody."

„Well, I do not know your name, so I chose whatever felt most fitting." Y/N shrugged, stomping away, „Why are you following me around like a stray cat? You already got your camera back."

„It is Enmu."


„My name."

„It is weird like you. Quite fitting, I must say... you are such a nightmare, shaped as a dream."

„I am confused. Did you just insult me? Or was that a compliment?"

„I will leave it to your imagination." She repeated, continuing to walk.

„Are you not going to tell me your name as well?"

„It is Y/N. Now fuck off!"

„You are still bitter over my little prank, huh? Come on! It was just a little revenge scare for groping me, before I realized that I do not have anything against being groped by you."

„Fuck off, crazy bastard!"

„You are still mad, eh? How long are you going to be like this, hmm? I know! I think I know how to make up for my cruel joke."

„Do you, really?" Y/N stopped, giving him a death glare.

„Yes!" Enmu cooed, grabbing her hand and slowly pulling her close, „You can touch my butt again, it should be enough for you to cheer up!"

„Wha... what the heck?!" Y/N questioned shakily, freezing.

„I know you want to. The way you always stare at me... it is rather obvious. Come on. Touch it. I will let you feel it better than before."

Y/N gasped, not feeling enough willpower to resist as he led her hand into his pants. She stood still, trembling a bit as she breathed heavily.

„You can squeeze it. I do not mind." He giggled, blushing.

„What the heck is wrong with you?" Y/N whispered, slowly feeling his curves, finding herself unable to deny the offer.

„I do not know about that, but you seem to be enjoying yourself."

Y/N blushed, immediately retreating after hearing his statement.

„Want your sunglasses back? You look way better without them, though." Enmu commented, casually returning her shades, as if nothing happened.

„G–Get lost!"

„See you around, Y/N." He smirked, quickly kissing her cheek and waving gleefully before disappearing.

Weirdo (Enmu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now