Smug Asshole

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 Embarrassing. That was hella embarrassing. It would be better to take a bus and never ever go near any train.

Still. Y/N could not forget how good he felt... and, did he say he liked her too? He obviously got upset when she touched him, but apparently he changed his mind afterwards. Did she present some quality level of suffering, or something? Whatever happened in that crazy head of his, he seemed pretty impressed. He even kissed her... on the cheek. What did he mean by „See you around?" Did he want to meet her again? It was so confusing!

Y/N sighed, thoughtfully getting prepared for her work.

„Do Ayaka's plants really care how I dress?" She rolled her eyes, realizing how much time she spent on choosing her outfit.

She shrugged, walking out without her sunglasses, „It is not because he likes me without them more... it is because... my sightless acting was useless, anyway." She mumbled. „Yet another reason why I should take a bus. What am I doing?"

Enmu did not seem to be around. Y/N was unsure, whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

What if conductor recognized her? She would probably lie that she was blind woman's twin sister and the weirdo escaped using his usual trickery.

Great, I wasted time for nothing, choosing outfit and styling my hair... Then again, perhaps I walked out too late for that reason. Maybe he will be here, on my way back... not that I see him daily."

Y/N sighed, continuing her way to Ayaka's house. At least, she would not need to walk around with that idiotic cane, anymore.

„I am disturbingly stupid..." She whined, observing her reflection after finishing her job, making sure that she was not dirty or did not have any leaves stuck in her hair.

The weirdo still did not seem to be around when she walked back to the train station. Y/N frowned, entering passenger car and taking a seat.

„I knew you would come to see me!" Enmu smirked, landing next to her and resting his chin on her shoulder.

„I did not come to see you! I am returning home from work!" She protested, blushing, „When did you get there?!"

„So, you were looking around for me, after all... I was waiting for you near the entrance, followed right behind you, once you showed up."

„Of course I was watching out for you, I would hate to lose my wallet!" Y/N huffed, crossing her arms, „Wait, did you just say you followed me?"

„Any complaints? You stalked me first."

That bastard and his smug smirk...

„I did not! There is difference between watching and following... not that I was watching you... What do you want from me?"

„Come with me to the next stop. I want to show you some cool place."

„Like hell I am following a creep like you. You could be a serial killer for all I know. You obviously are not right in your head!"

„Well, last time we were alone in the dark building, you left unharmed, besides the place I am talking about is a cozy book café, so... I would say that your survival chance is fairly high."

„Is this like... a date or something?"

„If you want it to be... and I can tell that you do. So, you can be my girlfriend, I suppose."

This smug smirk again.

„That escalated quickly... I do not know you, perhaps I even wish I knew less than I do." Y/N doubtfully narrowed her eyes. What was he up to? It sounded too good to be truth.

„Quick does not necessarily mean bad. Trains are pretty quick. You can ask stuff and get to know me better, no worries. Is not that what dates are for? Here, this is our stop!"

„Hey!" Y/N whined as he grabbed her wrist, dragging her out, „I am not as fast as you!"

„You seem tired. Do you want me to carry you all the way there?"


„Let us pretend that I am a train. I will give you a ride!"

„Uh, let us not."

„Fine then, walk." Enmu pouted, stomping towards the café. Y/N shook her head, following him behind.

It seemed like a cozy place, smelling like various beverages and paper. Y/N ordered her favorite drink and Enmu said he wanted tea, because coffee kept him awake.

„Looks like a nice place. Do you come here often?" Y/N asked, sipping her drink.

„Every now and then. They have really delicious tea and interesting books about trains!"

„You really love trains."

„I do! I have a huge model train collection. One day, I should show you. You know, when you will no longer be afraid of getting murdered."

Y/N snorted.

„So... why are you doing this, anyway?"

„This?" He questioned, tilting his head confusedly.

„You know, the thing you do... is it to seek attention? You are really hot, you probably know it. You do not need to do that. You would probably get whole lot more attention without acting that way."

„I do not give a damn about attention."

„Then why? I am not judging you, I am trying to understand. No need to get all defensive. Did not you say I could get to know you better?"

„If that is so... well. It is pretty easy to understand. That combines all of my hobbies together!" He squealed gleefully, „I adore trains, as well as photography. I like to capture human emotions, negative ones, specifically. I find them fascinating. I tried to become a professional photographer, but it did not really work out. I asked people to show me their negative emotions, but they all looked so damn fake... When I suggested helping them to make their emotions more believable, they either called me sick and ran away, or demanded ridiculous amount of money for it. I could not afford to pay that much. It was so frustrating! One day, I came across some chikan pervert on the train. Everybody made such natural, terrified expressions around him, for free too! They were all trapped with him until the next stop, so they could not flee. From that moment, I knew what I was going to do! I am not going as far as him, but I do some other stuff to piss people off. All I have to do is ride a train, it is always filled with easily disturbed people! It is like a dream!"

„I see... so that is your motive. Makes more sense now. You do not look like a desperate pervert. Not with a cute face like that..."

„And amazing butt."

„Pfft, have some modesty!"

„I will not!"

„I expected no less from you." Y/N shook her head, smiling. „Are not you afraid of getting caught, though? You know, that stuff is not exactly legal."

„That is fine, I am not very easy to catch. Besides, they cannot lock me up too long for the minor offences like that. A bit of danger makes things more fun. Tell me some things about you too. No lies, though! I told you everything honestly, did not I?"

„Fine, well... I do not have as interesting life as you do. I am just taking care of my friend's plants, while she is away."

They stayed there for two hours. Enmu insisted to pay for both when they were leaving. After that, he escorted her to the train station, by the time she exited on her stop, she already knew at least six train facts.

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