Unexpected Job Offer

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„I heard your job interview did not go too well." Y/N's friend said, glancing at her.

„As usual."

„I think I could help with that, you know?"


„I am going to my sister's place tomorrow. She broke her leg, someone has to help her out for a while. I do not know what to do about my plants, though. My garden is full of flowers that need to be watered daily."

„Cannot you invite your sister over?"

„Hell no. She is allergic to most of my flowers."

„So you decided to ask your only jobless friend to move to your place temporarily and become a plantsitter?"

„Basically, yes. Payment is not much, but you will only need to work for like, an hour a day, so I think it is not a bad deal."

„Do not count on me, Ayaka. I do not think I am capable of keeping plants alive, to be honest." Y/N shook her head.

„It is pretty easy, I will leave instructions on the table, with plant names, their photos, how often they need to be watered and how much water do they need. Anybody could manage that."

„So, I have to move in tomorrow?"

„Sooner the better, yes. Avoid taking a train, though."

„Why, is railway undergoing reconstruction, or something?" Y/N questioned.

„No, but you might encounter a pervert there. He frightened my cousin once, when she was visiting me."

„Really? That is horrible!"

„I know, right?! He is so damn weird. He was chewing on my sister's hair until doors finally opened and she fled, only to find out that her wallet was missing from her bag. Thankfully there were not any documents, only an insignificant amount of money."

„Ew. Good thing at least she was not groped or something."

„Groping does not seem to be his thing, but he does other disturbing things, such as walking around with his butt out, stealing stuff or taking people's pictures without their permission. I always tell my friends to avoid taking a train if possible, especially when they travel with young children. Who would want to watch that?!"

„Is not there anybody to do something about it?"

„No idea, he keeps returning and delaying trains. Last week people had to wait for forty minutes, because he glued butt pictures everywhere. Must have been some sort of revenge on the conductor, for not letting him to walk around as he pleased..."

„Oh dear! How insufferable!"


* * *

Next day, Y/N took the advice to take a bus instead of a train and safely arrived at Ayaka's house, where she was given instructions how to care for her friend's precious plants, before Ayaka left.

Y/N unpacked small amount of her belongings at her friend's house, making herself comfortable. She did not have anything to do today, Ayaka already took care of plants before her arrival.

Everything sounded fine, until the nightfall.

Y/N turned off the light, curled up in bed and tightly wrapped a blanket around her body, ready to sleep. She dozed off almost as soon as she closed her eyes, however, her peaceful sleep did not last that long.


„Hush! Hush! Mommy is here!"


„Aw, fuck. Apparently, Ayaka happened to forgot mentioning that her neighbors have an infant... or perhaps they have infants... sounds like more than just one mouth, screeching and bawling. Good grief! Twins... triplets... quadruplets even, maybe! Blazing hell!!!"

* * *

Y/N could not get any sleep at all, thanks to the noises. She dozed off momentarily in the morning, due to staying up all night, but seemed like the babies knew no chill, because they began bawling in the morning too, startling poor Y/N awake once again.

Great. She could not sleep at night, and she could not sleep in the morning, either. Y/N hoped at least she could get some sleep tomorrow, but bawling continued.

After spending the first week of her job, suffering with insomnia, Y/N figured out there was no way she could stay in this house any longer. She had no idea how the neighbors handled those noisy little things, perhaps they had to be strong because this vicious screeching was coming from their precious babies, but Y/N definitely did not feel like putting up with that any longer, she could flee, unlike their parents and so she did: Deciding to go back to her house and visit Ayaka's place only once a day, to water all the plants in an hour and then go back home, where she could get some rest.

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