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18 months after the train incident

Y/N sighed, packing some of her belongings. She could not bear the thought of boarding a sleeper train, which meant being trapped inside of it for nearly 24 hours and recalling bittersweet memories, but it could not be helped, that was the easiest way to reach her destination — small city where the library owner decided to close his building and give away old books for free, since everybody preferred to read online these days and he could not get enough visitors.

It was a cold winter day, so chilly that she decided to keep her hat, gloves and scarf on, even after reaching the train — not that she had enough strength left in her numb fingers to take them off right away.

Y/N spent most of the time near the pantry car, trying some food before covering her cold nose with her scarf again and heading to the car where she was supposed to sleep, only to find out that her bed was already taken.

She blinked few times, making sure that she was not hallucinating. What the hell did they put in her drink?!

„Y/N?" Hallucination gasped.

„What the fuck are you doing in my bed?" She frowned. She was almost certain he was not real, but she was pissed and it was showing.

„Hiding from the conductor, what else? Have you not noticed? Apparently, he changed his workplace. He does not trust me much after all the things I have done in past, so he is after me. Crazy, right? That is not fair at all, I have a ticket and all... I really need to arrive at my destination. Now I have to deal with this..."

Y/N opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, she heard footsteps.

„That must be him, patrolling! Tell him you have not seen anyone!" Enmu yelped, hiding under the blanket.

„That is ridiculous! Why should I help y..." Y/N hissed, stopping as the door opened, "Hey! Checking tickets? Here it is."

„Alright! You have not seen anybody suspicious around, have you? I heard talking."

„Nope, just got a call from my nasty ex. He left me without saying a word, disappeared for nearly two years and how he has guts, asking me to lend him money, hmph!" Y/N glanced at the conductor with a very effortless fake smile.

„Damn." Conductor nodded, not really listening to her, „Let me know if you will notice anybody strange."

„Why, what happened? Are we in danger?"

„Not quite, but I would watch out for my belongings, if I were you. I have to check the other cars now." Conductor walked away, closing the door behind him.

„Phew, that was close..." Enmu got out of the bed, „Thank you!"

„You can get lost again, now."

„Look, I am sorry I made you upset the last time we met..."

„Sorry, my ass. You are just saying that because you need my assistance to hide." Y/N snorted, „Also... what did you just say? You made me upset the last time we met? Is that all? What about all this time I spent wondering what happened, not even knowing if you were alive or not?"

„Did you even care about that?"

„What is with that question? Are you victimizing yourself, after what you have done? Unbelievable!" Y/N gasped. „Shove your pathetic gaslighting attempt up your infamous bum."

„What have I done?! I was in jail whole time, not even sure if you wanted to see me again or not, since you were missing for at least two days, after we... had our little fun." Enmu paused, „I wanted to contact you and apologize after you ran away, but all I knew was your first name. I decided to wait for you to show up, but those assholes had a different plan... I was locked up longer than usual, because it was the seventh time I got convicted for various offences and they assumed I was not learning from my mistakes at all... got free only a few months back, headed for that train station right away, hoping that I could see you... I went there daily, waiting for you, but you never came. Conductor got so sick of me that he left his job... now I know where he went."

„I was checking that cursed train whole year. Sorry I could not wait for you eternally! How do I even know that you are telling truth?!"

„I did not expect you to infinitely wait for me, I was not even completely sure, if you would want to see me again, I am just disappointed because I hoped I would meet you by accident at least, but it is as if you purposely avoided our train, I left it for a day and saw you where I could never expect! Ah, those damn footsteps again!" Enmu whined, hiding under the bed this time.

Fortunately for him, nobody has tried to open the door. Maybe it was just some passenger, or perhaps the conductor chose to pass without looking inside, this time.

„I do not believe a word you say."

„Then how do I know, you have not been around the train station for at least three months?"

„It could be a lucky guess... if I argued and said I was, you would say that we visited it at different times or failed to notice each other in crowd. Even if you really went there daily, it does not mean anything, because you were obsessed with that place before you would learn my existence. Also, how convenient of you to come across that poor conductor again, after he had enough of you and changed his workplace. Are you following him, or something?"

„What are you about? I am going to gather all the books about trains from the closed library, before somebody else will."

„Tch. So, you are going there too. I should have known. Fucking nerd." Y/N huffed, taking off her shoes and getting in her bed.

„You have heard about that library too?"


„Can I hide here, little longer?"

„I do not care what you will do. Whatever." Y/N huffed again, closing her eyes.


Little pause.

Another sneeze.



„Let me sleep, will you?!" Y/N groaned.

„My bad. I will hide somewhere else." Enmu sighed, attempting to leave his hiding spot, before he heard some voices nearby, „It is too risky to go now, the conductor might still be on a raid. Perhaps, if I shall climb the train roof through the window..."

„Are you trying to break your fucking neck? It is probably frozen and slippery now. Not that it would be safe to climb a moving train, otherwise."

„What other choice do I have? If I will stay here, I will sneeze again, helping him to find me and kick me out there in this snowstorm..."

„He cannot really do it, can he? You have a ticket, do not you?"

„I do. But somebody lost his wallet and he is blaming it on me."

„Is that so?" She questioned, raising her brow doubtfully.

„I have not done a thing! I do not feel like getting back inside the jail right away."

„Hmph... come here."


„You can hide in my bed, so you will not freeze to death."

„That is very kind of you." Enmu said, accepting the offer.

„I am not doing this for you, I am freezing as well, this train's heating system sucks." Y/N frowned, closing her eyes.

Weirdo (Enmu x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ