Rineet's patchup or break up..??

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They all comes down the stage, while Avu excuses herself and goes towards the guest room while Sid and sd were busy with answering media and ad was busy in replying in attending the calls of relatives which he was continuously getting because of the live news. Riyaz who was fuming in anger goes behind her and as soon as she reaches the room, he held her wrist and pinned her against the wall and comes very closer to her and holds her both hands tightly while Avu wince due to pain.

Avu-: Rii what the hell are you doing...?? Leave me... It's paining... She says while trying to come out from his grip.

Rii-: And what about my pain..?? What you just did now...?? Now I get it why you don't want to marry me...

Avu-: What are you saying..??

Rii-: now don't try to act innocent... I don't earn myself and I'm not independent that's why you don't want to marry me na and you accepted bhai's proposal just because he's a self made multimillionaire... You accepted his proposal only because of his money and because he's the type you always wanted and expected for your to be husband... I doesn't believe that you changed in a second... Being my gf you accepted any other person's proposal and that too of my brother...

Avu-: because I doesn't have any option, I had to accept it because my parents forced me and it's not what you're thinking... I too doesn't know that siddharth sir will propose me and that too infront of everyone... He had not left me with any other choice... I doesn't know that he will fall for me in a day only, in few hours only and will do something like this... Rii I wasn't able to understand anything at that moment, and if I hadn't accepted his proposal then till now I don't know what must have been happened...

Rii-: Oo... So you mean, you agreed only because of dad's and Sid bhai's power and under your family pressure... Don't lie this much avneet... I know till what extent you middle class girl can fall and what you can do to get a luxurious life... You're a gold digger avneet, I get to know now your real face... And Don't dream about being a middle class employee to queen of this Palace... I will never let bhai marry you...
(A/n-: guy's I'm changing nigam mansion into palace so now it will be palace not mansion😅). He says angrily while pressing her both wrist more tightly leaving his fingerprints on her wrist while Avu was shocked by his every word, tears had started to flow from her eyes. He was about to say something when a voice gains his attention and he turns back leaving Avu.

Sid(angrily+dangerously)-: RIYAZ... He shouts angrily making rii turns back leaving Avu and get's shocked seeing Sid with Abhinavi, Sd, Riyaz's mom, Ad, Am and Jai standing there. Sid was fuming in anger, he goes towards Riyaz taking long steps and pulls him in middle and punches him.

Rii-: Bhai... He says but Sid cuts him in between.


Rii-: JUST BECAUSE OF YOU BHAI... BECAUSE YOU CAME IN BETWEEN US... HOW CAN YOU PROPOSE HER..??  SHE... he was saying when Sd turns him towards him and slaps him tightly. Sid goes towards Avu and Side hugs her as she was crying but she doesn't reciprocate but Sid doesn't have any problem in it.

Sd(angrily)-: speak in low voice Riyaz... Don't you dare to shout upon Siddharth... Don't forget he's elder than you and I had never ever given anyone the right to talk to him like this... Secondly that's not the way to talk to a girl like you were talking, you don't have any right to disrespect a girl or hurt her... And what problem do you had if Sid love avneet or proposed her... He asks him angrily.

Rii-: because dad we both love eachother and we're in relationship from last two years... She's my girlfriend than how bhai can propose her... He says shocking Sid, Sd, Vaishu, Ad and Am while Riyaz's mom, jai and abhi already knows about rineet's relationship. Sid's hold gets loosens from Avu's shoulder and he looks at both of them shockingly. His throat gets dried while word died inside only.

Sd(shockingly)-: WHAT...??

Rii-: yes dad... If you don't believe me then ask mom and abhi bhaiya, they both knows... He says giving another shocked to Sidnavi and Sd and they looks towards riyaz's mom and Abhishek while they both nods slightly.

Rii's mom-: I had came to tell you this only but you were busy on call...

Abhi-: I didn't get a chance to tell anything...

They both says while sd glares riyaz's mom.

Ad(angrily)-: Avneet is this truth...?? Whatever he's saying is true or not..?? He asks her while everyone looks towards her but she doesn't reply or even utter a single word. She was only looking down while sobbing. So Ad holds her arm tightly and shakes her badly.

Ad(shouts)-: I'M ASKING SOMETHING FROM YOU... IS IT TRUTH OR NOT...?? He shouts on her scaring her while Avu wasn't able to say anything.

Am(angrily)-: Avneet your dad is asking something... Answer him... She says shaking her.

Avu(stammering)-: d.. dad... m... m.. mom... I... I d... don't love him... she says shocking everyone including rii, Rii's mom and Abhi.

Rii(shouts)-: why the hell you're lying avneet...?? He goes towards her and was shouting on her when Sid glares him and his one glare was enough to low his tone.

Rii's mom-: why are you destroying my son's life...?? He loves you and had done a lot for you... Why are you playing with my son's life... You middle class girls are like this only, sl..

Sd(cutting her in between)-: Shut up... You're just thinking about your son not about Sid and avneet... You're calling her a middle class girl but don't forget that you're also from a poor family and you're also from a middle class home... So mind your tongue before speaking rubbish about anyone else... He shouts upon him angrily taking Avu's Side because he really likes Avneet a lot and he too wants her as his daughter in law, his Sid's wife. (As I told you guy's, his father can go to any extent for Sid's happiness).

Rii-: tell everyone the truth avneet... You don't need to be scared of anyone, you love me na so tell everyone... your lie will only destroy our lives...

Avu-: I'm not lieing... Remember when you had proposed me that time only I had told you that I only like you not love you... And I need time to understand my feelings towards you and in this two years my feelings doesn't increased towards you, I accept I'm attracted towards you and I like you a lot but I don't love you... Mom-Dad I'm sorry for hiding about it from you both... But I don't want to hurt both of you... She says while sobbing while Sid was relief knowing that she doesn't love him and there is his chance and he can make her fall for him, it doesn't matter that in present she likes him or not but he had noticed a different kinda feeling, respect and emotion towards him in her eyes. He had seen her getting affected by him. But what about riyaz, he is his small brother. He was thinking about it when Sd takes Sid outside with him while others too left as Ad wants to talk with avneet alone so only Ad and am was there while Riyaz goes to his room and Rii's mom, jai, abhinavi goes back to the party.


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Next part will be updated soon.

Till then bubbye.

Mafia's Destined Bride🔥❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora