You thought for a moment, considering the different names that had crossed your mind. "How about... Meesey?" you suggested, a little uncertainly.

Mr. Meeseeks chuckled, his eyes lighting up with amusement. "Meesey, huh? I like it! It's catchy," he said, grinning. "From now on, you can call me Meesey if you'd like."

You smiled, feeling happy that he had taken to the name so easily. "Great! Meesey it is," you said, feeling a warmth in your chest. It was a small thing, but it made you feel even closer to him. You scooch closer to him sheepishly turning you attention back up towards the stars and find yourself leaning onto his shoulder.

Meesey didn't seem to mind, in fact, he leaned back slightly to make you feel more comfortable. "You know," he said, his voice soft, "I'm really glad we met."

You turned to look at him, noticing the genuine smile on his face. "Me too," you said, feeling a little shy.

"I never thought I'd make a friend on this mission," Meesey continued, "I thought it would just be me helping you until we found The Little Prince, but... it's been nice. Really nice."

You felt a lump form in your throat, realizing how much you had grown to care about this strange, blue creature. "Yeah," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "It has been."

As you sat there, watching the stars and enjoying each other's company, you knew that this was a moment you would never forget. Meesey had become more than just a helper on your quest, you couldn't imagine continuing this journey without him by your side.

As the night wore on and the stars grew brighter, you both settled into a comfortable silence once again, but you didn't mind. You couldn't have imagined a better way to spend your day than with your new friend, and you were grateful for every moment. The future might hold many unknowns, but for now, you were content to live in the moment, surrounded by good food, good company, and the beauty of the night sky. Once you both got your fill of outside nd the misquotes you both settled into the back of your van parked in the vacant parking lot. You had begun rereading the little prince for the hundredth time but you were always able to find some deeper meaning every time you read it.

"Have you read it?" You ask Mr. Meesey while he seeming picks at a non existent piece of fuzz on your large soft blanket. Meesey shook his head, "No, I haven't had a chance to read it yet. But I'd like to."

You smiled, happy at the prospect of sharing one of your favorite books with your friend. "I think you'd like it," you said. "It's a story about a little prince who travels to different planets and learns important lessons about life and love."

Meesey looked intrigued, "That sounds interesting. Maybe you could read it to me sometime?"

You nodded eagerly, "Of course! I'd love to."

And so, with the stars shining above and the soft hum of the van's engine in the background, you began to read The Little Prince to Meesey. As you read, you noticed Meesey's eyes grow wide with wonder at every turn of the page. He listened intently to the story, and you could see the emotions playing across his face as you read about the little prince's adventures and the lessons he learned.

"At the garden, the little prince realizes that, even though his rose is not a unique type of flower, she is unique to him because he has cared for her and loved her. He tells the roses that his rose is like the fox. He has tamed her and cared for her, and now in his eyes she is the only rose. The prince then returns to say good-bye to the fox." You continue on through your favorite portion

As you finished the book, Meesey let out a contented sigh. "That was beautiful," he said, his voice soft.

You smiled at him, feeling a warmth in your chest. "I'm glad you liked it," you said. "It's one of my favorites."

Meesey looked at you, his eyes shining in the starlight. "Thank you for sharing it with me," he said. "And for everything else today. It's been an amazing adventure."

You nodded, feeling a lump form in your throat once again. "It really has," you said. "And I couldn't have done it without you."

The two of you sat in silence for a moment, lost in your thoughts. But as you looked up at the stars once again, you knew that this was only the beginning of your journey with Meesey. There were still many more adventures to be had, and you were excited to see where they would take you. At some point you had dozed off to sleep leaving Meesey to turn off the van and come to rest beside you but as he looked at you and watched the gentle rise and fall of your back he couldn't help the wandering of his thoughts.

Meesey had never felt this way before. He had always been a solitary creature, content to watch the world from a distance. But something about this human had drawn him in, and he found himself wanting to be close to them, to share in their adventures and their joys. Existence was pain to a meeseeks this much was true, but being with you had brought him a sense of purpose and happiness that he never knew existed.

As he watched them sleep, he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness wash over him. This human was his friend, and he would do anything to keep them safe. He knew that the road ahead would be filled with dangers and challenges, but he was determined to stand by your side through it all and as he lay there, listening to the soft rhythm of their breathing. He knew that he would follow this human to the ends of the earth if he had to, that was what he was made for after all right? Was that all this was? Meesey couldn't deny the feelings that had grown within him. He cared deeply for you, and he knew that he would do anything to keep you safe. With a soft sigh, he settled down beside you, his gaze fixed on the stars above as he let his thoughts drift. The night was quiet, but the possibilities ahead were endless, and Meesey was eager to see where your journey together would take you next.

Soon the morning came and after a much needed long and restful sleep you both continued on your journey, onto the next small little nothing town, onto the next part of your journey, onto the next part of your life.

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