Part 4

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Your stomach growled for the first time that day, you had almost made it the whole day without needing anything but suddenly all you wanted was a glass of water and some food to fight the growing heat outside. You both had passed extremely small town a few miles back, it consisted of a sheriffs station, a library, and a library with a small group of suburban looking houses but that had been a few miles back. You'd both been driving through thick trees not that long ago but now all you could see was dry red dirt and a few leafless shrubs.

Meesey noticed the grumble in your stomach and felt a pang of guilt. He had been so caught up in the adventure that he forgot about your needs. "I'm sorry, human. I should have thought about your needs sooner," he said apologetically.

You waved him off with a smile. "Human? Please Meesey call me (y/n)." You say taking and grasping his mitten and squeezing it in a kind gesture. Meesey looked at you with surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Okay, (y/n)," he said, returning the squeeze. "And I apologize again."

"It's alright, Meesey. I'm just a bit hungry and thirsty, that's all. Let's see if we can find somewhere to stop for a bit." Meesey nodded and continued driving, scanning the horizon for any signs of civilization. As you drove further, the heat became more intense and the landscape became even more barren. The road seemed to go on forever, with no end in sight.

Just when you thought you might have to settle for a meal of dry crackers and warm water, you spotted a small building up ahead. It was small and rundown, with peeling paint and a rusty sign that read "Last Chance Cafe."

"Looks like we found our stop," you said, pointing to the building.

Meesey pulled the van up to the front of the cafe, and you both stepped out into the blazing sun. The heat was almost unbearable, but the thought of a cold drink and a hot meal spurred you on. As you pushed open the door, a bell tinkled overhead, announcing your arrival. The inside of the cafe was dim and dusty, with a few scattered tables and chairs. A lone figure sat at the counter, nursing a cup of coffee.

The person looked up as you approached, and you saw that it was an older woman with kind eyes and a warm smile. "Well, hello there!" she said, her voice raspy from years of smoking. "What can I get for you folks?"

You ordered a sandwich and a glass of water, and Meesey requested a cup of coffee. As you waited for your food, you struck up a conversation with the woman, who introduced herself as Lorraine. She told you about the town that was a few miles back, and how the cafe had been struggling since the highway was built and took all the traffic away. As you ate your sandwich and drank your water, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the small moment of rest and human connection in the middle of your adventure.

"Hey is that your van outside?" You heard Lorraine ask you as she dried off a glass with an old cloth, you follow her line of site and see a few teenage boys on dirt bikes hitting the side of your old dusty van with metal rods and tossing rocks at your windows.

You feel a pang of anger and fear as you see the boys damaging your van. Without thinking, you rush out of the cafe and towards the boys, Meesey following closely behind you. "Hey! What are you doing? Stop that!" you shout, hoping to scare them off.

The boys turn towards you with smirks on their faces. "What's it to you, old lady?" one of them sneers.

You clench your fists, feeling the anger boiling inside you. But before you can say or do anything, Meesey steps forward, towering over the boys with his imposing height. "You will stop that at once," he says, his voice low and threatening.

My Mr. MeeseyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum