Prequel I guess

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(Outfit vibes)

Jess Mariano sat at the back of the bus with his head shoved in a book and his luggage shoved in the seat next to him

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Jess Mariano sat at the back of the bus with his head shoved in a book and his luggage shoved in the seat next to him. When the bus made a stop he felt his heart stop, he looked up realizing it was only Hartford. A wave of relief washed over as he realized he still had time to mentally prepare for Stars Hallow where he would meet his uncle.

Still looking up he noticed a girl about his age walk onto the bus listening to music on her walkman. He watched as she danced through the aisle looking for a seat, landing in one diagonal from Jess's view. She was wearing a baby blue tank top that sat slightly just above her flower embroidered jeans and the straps had two little bows tied on them. She plopped herself in the seat with her back against the window and her feet dangling over the side into the aisle. Jess looked horrified when he saw she had the most hideous rainbow socks he had ever seen shoved into her old rotted looking clogs. She was sucking on a red lollipop and had solid black sunglasses on so you wouldn't tell where she was looking. He watched as she struggled to fit all her shopping bags into the space below her seat, once successful she rips open a magazine and starts humming and laughing to herself.

The girl looks up and noticed Jess staring at her. He tries to play it off but it's too late. She digs into her handbag and pulls out another lollipop, holding it out in Jess's direction.

"You want one?"

Hesitantly he reaches for it and mumbles out a thanks. She just smiles in response and goes back to silently mouthing lyrics and reading up on the latest celebrity gossip. Sporadically laughing to herself.

The bus finally makes its stop in Stars Hallow and the girl practically speeds off the bus almost tearing her shopping bags. Jess glances out the window and watches as she quickly greets a scruffy older man then hurriedly makes her way down the street. He gets off and greets the same scruffy man.



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