17. Made for a King

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Olivia walked through the Royal Academy's gardens with her books in hand, squinting up at the sun. The middle of spring brought warmer weather, and she felt relieved to be back at school to enjoy it. It had been two weeks since they had left home, and her studies had been faring well without the guilt of leaving her brother behind. Even if he was too busy preparing for the approaching final examinations to hang out with her, she was pleased to see him thriving.

"Lady Olivia, good morning."

The soft-spoken voice coming from behind her, caused Olivia to blink owlishly before turning. At the mere sight of unmissable long pink hair, she immediately rushed into a polite curtsey and bowed her head in respect, "L-Lady Yvette! Good morning to you!"

Yvette Salvatore smiled endearingly at the gesture and brushed her bangs out of her warm rose-coloured eyes, "There is no need to be so on edge, we're in the same year, after all." A girlish giggle left her lips. "I just wanted to greet you properly, since you've been away for so long."

"Oh, is that so?" Olivia laughed at herself, fidgeting with the hem of her uniform's skirt self-consciously. "Thank you, for considering me, my lady."

Olivia felt exceedingly inferior in the presence of the Ducal daughter. A mixture of admiration and inadequacy churned in her stomach as she tried her best to smile brightly at the flawless girl. Yvette Salvatore was without a doubt a cut above the rest, carrying an aura of being unapproachable, despite the gentle aura that followed her.

With the pleasantries having been exchanged, Yvette spoke sweetly and her eyes softened, "It is a pleasure to see you back at the academy, Lady Olivia, your presence was truly missed. If you ever need some guidance, please do not hesitate to come to me."

Olivia forced down a gasp and instead beamed, nervously brushing back her brunette locks, "Thank you! Of course-"

"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything important." At the silky smooth voice approaching the both of them, Olivia could no longer hold back the gasp that had been lying in wait. She instantly rushed to cover her mouth with a hand, causing the imposing figure to laugh gently. "Forgive me for interrupting you both, Lady Yvette, and Lady Olivia."

Quickly grabbing the hem of her skirt, Olivia dipped into another curtsy, "Greetings, your highness!"

A gentlemanly smile extended across Prince Cecil's visage. Even wearing the same uniform as everyone else, it seemed to suit him like armour. His straight hair shined like gold in the sunlight, it was almost blinding. Olivia couldn't quite ignore the overwhelming pressure that enveloped her at being in the presence of not one, but two towers of social standing.

Too entranced by Cecil's aura, Olivia failed to notice the slight twitch in Yvette's eye as she turned and gave a smooth curtsy to the prince, "...Your highness."

Cecil hardly acknowledged her and focused his kind smile on Olivia, "It is a pleasure to see your safe return, my lady." His lips quickly morphed into a sympathetic frown, however, as his speech softened. "I apologise for not giving my condolences in person sooner. Ishir Lockhart was a good man."

Olivia's eyes lowered slightly at the mention of her father, smiling wistfully, "The letters of condolence sent by The Royal Family were more than enough." She sent him an earnest smile. "Your words were very heartfelt, your highness. My father would have been honoured to hear them."

"I'm pleased to hear that my emotions reached you, Lady Olivia," Cecil let his lips rise into a smile once more. "I was surprised to see that your brother returned with you to the academy."

"Ah, yes. That is all thanks to my little sister, your highness," A genuine prideful smile spread across Olivia's lips. "If not for her taking care of matters back home, Layton would not be here."

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