Episode 46: Justin Vs Toru!

Start from the beginning

"Golbat, use Wing Attack!" Justin said. Golbat flapped it's wings and sharp gusts of winds flew at Seadra. The gusts of wind hit Seadra, cutting it all over it's body. "Seadra, use Dragon Breath again!" Toru shouted. Seadra shot a ball of purple flames at Golbat. Golbat was hit by the attack and was sent crashing into the ground. "Goldbat, get back up and use Toxic!" Justin said.

Golbat flew back into the air and a stream of purple acid at Seadra. The acid hit Seadra, causing it to feel sick and weak and fall to the ground. Seadra tried to keep fighting, but couldn't and fainted. Toru called it back and threw his next PokeBall forward. "Go Raichu!" Toru said. Raichu came out and crackled with electricity.

"A Raichu, huh? He has a lot of unexpected Pokemon under his belt, huh," Ashton said to King and Okotsu. King nodded in agreement.

"Raichu, use Thunderbolt!" Toru said. Raichu covered it's body in lightning and shot a huge bolt of lightning at Golbat. Golbat was hit by the lightning attack and fell to the ground. "Golbat, get up and use Bite!" Justin said. Golbat got up again and flew at Raichu. Golbat chomped down on Raichu's arm, causing it to scream in pain. It covered it's body in lightning, shocking Golbat in the process.

Golbat let go and flew back into the air. "Raichu, use your tail to get close and use Thundershock!" Toru said. Raichu slammed it's tail Into the ground, sending it flying into the air towards Golbat. Raichu covered it's body in electricity and shot a bolt at Golbat.

Golbat fell out of the sky and crashed into the ground and Raichu landed next to Toru. Golbat fainted. Justin called it back to it's Pokeball and prepared another one. "Go Onix!" Justin said, throwing it forward. Onix came out and roared.

"Onix, use Steel Tail!" Justin said. Onix hardened it's tail and slammed it into Raichu, sending it rolling back. "Raichu, use Electro Ball!" Toru shouted. Raichu made a ball of electricity with it's tail and threw it at Onix. Onix simply moved out of the way of the attack.

"Onix, use Dig!" Justin shouted. Onix looked down and started digging really fast into the ground. Onix was fully in the ground and Raichu didn't know where it was at. Suddenly, Onix burst out of the ground under Raichu and slammed it's head into Raichu, sending the electric type flying into the air. Raichu crashed into the ground next to Toru and fainted.

Toru called it back to it's Pokeball. "You're a lot more stronger than I thought! Go Hitmonchan!" Toru yelled. Toru's Hitmonchan came out.

"Onix, use Rock Throw!" Justin said. Onix slammed it's tail Into the ground, causing stone chunks to fly into the air. Onix slammed it's tail Into the stone chunks, sending them flying at Hitmonchan. "Break them!" Toru shouted.

Hitmonchan punched all the incoming stone chunks, completely shattering them. "Now use Ice Punch!" Toru shouted. Hitmonchan nodded and rushed at Onix faster than it or Justin could see. It jumped at Onix and winded it's fist back. An icey aura surrounded it's fist. Hitmonchan punched Onix in the face, making it fall on it's back. Onix tried to get up, but Hitmonchan delivered another punch to it's face, causing it to faint.

Justin called Onix back and grabbed his next PokeBall. "(Man this is such a hard battle!)" Justin thought. He threw his next PokeBall forward and Ninetails came out. "Ninetails, use Flamethrower!" Justin shouted.

Ninetails opened its mouth and shot a huge burst of flames at Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan was burned by the attack. "Hitmonchan, use Close Combat!" Toru shouted. Hitmonchan rushed at Ninetails and started punching and kicking it over and over. Ninetails tried to slam it's tail Into the fighting Pokemon, but Hitmonchan dodged and kicked the flame type Pokemon, sending it tumbling forward.

"Ninetails, use Flaming Tackle!" Justin shouted. Ninetails ran at Hitmonchan and set it's body on fire. Ninetails slammed it's body into Hitmonchan, sending it tumbling back. "Hitmonchan, use Barraged Punches!" Toru yelled. Hitmonchan jumped at Ninetails and started punching it over and over again. "Ninetails, use Overheat!" Justin shouted. Ninetails released a bunch of fire from it's body. The fire was too hot for Hitmonchan so it jumped back.

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