Epilogue. (Book 2?)

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I posted this and the last chapter back to back, so if you haven't read the last chapter, do so please.


"Happy 14th birthday Y/n, are you ready for your gift?" You nod you head excitably, smiling widely when [REDACTED] places down a present.

"I got this specially made for you Y/n." [REDACTED] smiles at you while you open the present.

Once you finish ripping off the wrapping paper you smile falls. The present was a picture of you... with two adults who you didn't recognize. But the more you look at the picture the more familiar it starts to feel.

"Hey Y/n." You look at [REDACTED] eyebrow raised.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?"

Your quite surprised by the question. You, of course, knew what reincarnation was. Especially after the... 'incidents' when you were younger. But you were a little confused on why [REDACTED] was asking. 

It's been seven years since the incident, where you had gained your memories from a lifetime before this one.

"Why do you ask?"

[REDACTED] shrugs and smiles. "Just wanted to know."

You sigh before standing. "Let's get going, I still have school today, remember?" You ask jokingly, but the cold look on [REDACTED]'s face made you stop.

"Y/n," [REDACTED] started. "Please be carful. Somethings going to happen today, I..." [REDACTED] pauses. "I don't think I'll be able to save you when it happens." You give [REDACTED] a confused look before turning back to the picture they gave you. 

Then it clicks.

Those are your parents.


The end. 

Book 2 release date?

May 30th 2023.

I'm ending it now, simply cause I have a lot of work, managing school and a job is making it hard to write. So, I'll finish the series on a Book 2, once school is over.

I do hope you all liked it, and I can't wait to journey with you all again. 

Until next time, lovely readers.

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