Chapter # 9

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"I hope you learn your lesson." Clark had taken you to the fortress. Apparently, your 'family' deemed you a danger to yourself. So, the only thing they could think of, was to take you to a place where you can't leave. 

You glare at Clark, you agree that what you did deserved some punishment, but this was... this was not ok.

"Y/n, don't glare at me like that. This is for your own good, plus, I can have one on one time with you. Help jog your memory." He smiles and pats your head. "I'll be back for dinner." With that, he flies away.

".... I'm going to use your computer dick-head."

And with that, she leaves to find Clark's computers.


"He took my fucking walkie-talkie." Y/n grumbled as she typed away on Clark's computer. You were able to get through thanks to reading the comics. The only good thing that came out of reading them.

You were contacting Bruce.

Your message would simply tell him where you are, and what kind of situation you're in. You're sure he could reach you; Batman has breached the fortress in the comics before. You finish you message by telling Batman that Clark will be back for dinner.

You send the message and go back to the room Clark left you in. Now it was time to think of a plan.


"Y/n, you know I love you; you know I'm only doing this to help you, right?" Clark came back with food, he set the food in your doorway before going to you. 

"I don't know what lies Bruce told you, but I'm not the bad guy. You're my kid, I would never hurt you." He hugged you, then started setting out the food. "I knew I should have just gotten J'onn or Doctor fate involved." He spoke.

"Y/n, an old friend and colleague of mine came over to help you. You once knew him... until this happened. His name is J'onn." Clark smiled.

 "Once I finish discussing some things with him, I'll come back and bring you to him." Standing up, Clark kissed Y/n's forehead and started heading towards the door.

"No matter what, I will get my little girl back." With that, he left Y/n to panic in silence.

And panic you did. There was no escaping this time. You couldn't run. You can't call for help. 

He'll know, he'll know just like ### does.


Clark came back. It was time.

"Come on Y/n, let's get you the help you need." For some reason, that comment stung. You didn't need help, you were fine, you know who you are. You know who you are. You know who you are

Yo# K#ow ##o you #re. #on'# l#t ##em tak# ###t f#o# yo#

"I know who I am." You say, stop walking. You see the Martain on the other side of the room that you had just entered. You could also fell Clark's grip tighten. In response, you try to pull your arm away.

Clark doesn't like that.

"Y/n. You WILL get the help you need." He starts dragging you, and you start struggling, you know it's stupid, but it feels better then not doing anything.

(Can J'onn manipulate emotion? If not, I can change coming part if you don't like the non-cannon power)

"Y/n, calm down, I'm doing this to help you." You ignore Clark, just thrashing around more. More and more and more. The panicking feeling only rising, you can't let them know. 

You feel like you're on the verge of a panic attack, but you suddenly feel this relaxing feeling flow through your mind. There was a haze where the panic was. You knew all too well what this was.

But you didn't have the energy to care.

"Thanks, J'onn." Clark scoops you up and smiles at J'onn, walking swiftly to him. The faster they find out what's wrong, the faster Clark could get his kid back.

The faster we can forget everything that happen these past few weeks.


Clark: 60%

He's finally getting his kid back

J'onn: 30%

He remembers you

###: ##%

I'm right with you the entire time reader.

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