Chapter 9 Sacrifice

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Once I step out of the tent, I immediately get my lightsabers out and block blaster bolts from the injured men. As promised, I stayed by the tent, but Droids were coming closer, so I quickly used the Force and pushed all Droids back.

I saw Master Plo and ran up to defend a blaster bolt that was about to hit him. When he saw me, he continued to block blaster bolts, but he said, "I thought I ordered you to stay in the tent."

"You did, but I heard the Droids coming near and my wounds aren't as bad as they look." He still eyed me with worry over me still being injured, but I kept telling him I would be fine. Then I heard 2 lightsabers activate and I saw the user of said blades, Ventress.

When she saw me, she was shaking in anger, and I could sense her intentions, kill. She then said, "Well, well, well, it appears the 'Dark Knight' reveals herself, along with the Jedi."

She was circling us, trying to taunt us. She then leaped up and attacked me. I quickly blocked her attacks as they kept coming at me. Master Plo joined me and we battled Ventresca while the men finished up the droids.

She kept her attacks up, but she was getting tired and her swing was getting sloppy. When she tried to strike me, I blocked her attack and sweeped her legs, making her fall. Me and Master Plo were standing over Ventress with our lightsabers near her throat.

"Surrender, Ventress and the Senate will be merciful." Master Plo said. Ventress hissed, "Never!!" She then pressed her comm link and forced pushed me and Master Plo, running away.

I was about to chase her, but I then heard a blaster cannon fire aimed for the troopers, Lunar, and Master Plo. 'Master, everyone, forgive me for what I am about to do.' I thought and used the force to push all troopers, Lunar, and Master Plo away from the blast. I looked at everyone and under my mask, I smiled and all went black.

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