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Dear Sherlock,

I'd first like to tell you that I'm sorry for running off with no warning.

Now that that's over and done with, I want to tell you to not look for me.  Please.  Tell Enola to stop too.  I can't go back to the way things were before.  I was just so... unhappy with my life.  It was a great life, but it didn't satisfy what I needed and what I wanted.

I had to go with no warning, it was easier that way.  Avoided a lot of unnecessary questions through disappearing.  I'm just writing this to tell you that I'm not dead.

But I'm more than not dead.  For the first time in my life, it's not just surviving, it's living.  I'm living.  Finally, after all these years, I can live in nobody's shadow.  I can do what I want and what I believe in.

I'll return sometime, but only when I want to.  I need to learn to live by myself, without Enola to guide me and provide stability.  And perhaps she needs to learn to work by herself too.

Alas, I'm sure this will be good for everyone.  Don't ask me what I'm doing and don't write me back.  We're moving out in a day or so to a new location, so I won't get whatever you send.

If you see Enola, tell her that I'll be back soon

And if you see Mycroft, tell him that he can't control me anymore and to shove his mustache up his-

Never mind.

The most important part is am I happy? Yes.  Am I in a little danger? Constantly.

But that's nothing a Holmes can't handle.


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