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After working through a few minor flaws in the plan, we execute it.  It took two porters to get the basket in, shouldn't it take two to get it out?

The other issue though: Ms. Harrison could look at me and see that it is me immediately.  I suppose it is just a risk we have to take.  If we decide not to use the plan, we will still be stuck here anyway.

Enola's room is just across the hall from mine.  She seems shocked to see Tewkesbury, but we explain everything.  Tewkesbury and I carry the box out, him going backwards and me going forwards.  He smiles over at me, that stupid posh grin he loves wearing displayed so evidently on his face.  God, it's infuriating sometimes, and yet... endearing?

I smile over at him, before the grin drops off my face.  Behind him... oh lord.  I catch a glimpse of a tight brown bun and glasses over Alex's shoulder.  I grimace before she even starts speaking, and the boy in front of me seems to notice, lightly placing down his side of the parcel.

"Stop there!" The older woman calls. "Who are you? Have you permission to be in this school?"

I gesture for Tewkesbury to talk, due to the fact that if I begin to speak I'll instantly be given away.  He considers for a second, before he speaks, "We were just delivering a package, miss. Er, to the headmistress."  The boy pauses as Ms. Harrison draws closer.  I angle my face towards the floor, subtly, just so she won't know who I am on sight. "Could you please direct us to her office?"

Ms. Harrison peers directly at the boy, then to the package lying behind him.  Luckily, I seem to have escaped her field of view for the moment.  She returns her gaze to Tewkesbury.  "I am the headmistress of this school."

Alex lets out a light chuckle.  I would too, but I'm attempting to stand as perfectly silent and still as I can, so she won't pay me any attention.  "Well, then, I suppose this is for you," the boy announces.  I can almost feel Enola's confusion inside the basket, wondering what the hell he is up to this time.  I know this, because this is what I'm wondering too.

The older lady takes another glance at the large box lying on the floor between Tewkesbury and I, before she says, "Well, open it up.  Let me see what's inside-"

"Uh, I can't, miss.  We were given express instructions that this be opened in private," Tewkesbury interrupts.  Evidently, whatever he is planning, it includes getting Enola into the headmistress's office.

"Oh, how ridiculous," Ms. Harrison scorns.  Her hand reaches for the lid and Tewkesbury shoots me a desperate glance.  In a last attempt, I jump in, with a deepened and heavily accented version of my voice, "By our employer, miss.  Er, Mycroft Holmes?"

She looks up at me, noticing me for the first time. She stutters out my oldest brother's name for a moment, before glancing back down at the package.  A bell rings in the distance, and the two bitches from dinner yesterday come giggling down the hall at who knows what.

"Girls," the headmistress calls, "would you just take this parcel into my office that I might open it later?"  I take a step back to stand beside Alex as we watch the girls struggle with the package.  It was heavy- there's an adolescent girl inside- but it wasn't that heavy.  I suppose there isn't exactly a strength factor involved when you're hoping to get married to a rich lord somewhere.

I cross my arms and slightly lean into Alex, watching the girls turn the corner with my sister, complaining about the weight.  My attention is diverted once Ms. Harrison asks us, "So, what are you waiting for? A tip?  Go on, begone!"

I hear a thud in the room down the hall, probably my sister hitting the ground.  Alex grabs me by the arm, and we don't stay long enough to see what happens next.

𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 ❀ ᴛᴇᴡᴋᴇꜱʙᴜʀʏ₁Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora