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Halloween 2011;

"Trick or treat!" kids were excitedly chanting going door to door in hopes of getting pounds of candy.

Me and my friends were dressed up as the characters from Stab 2. I had to be ghost face even though I didn't want to. We drew straws and of course I drew the short one.

"Come on Olive!!" My friend shouted from a house down the street. I ran as fast as I could trying to get by without scaring any kids. Every time we dress up, I always manage to be the scariest and probably give all of the kids nightmares.

I always went above and beyond for my halloween costumes. My sister Jill has always helped me make them ever since I was little. I think that when she gets older she could be famous for something big doing that, but for now she just helps me look the best trick or treating.

I finally made it to the house, just for them to be out of candy. My friend, Evelyn, dressed as Gale Weathers was still standing there while everybody else was walking to other houses. She was always my best friend and sometimes she felt even more like a sister to me than Jill did.

We grew up together and she was always there for me when I needed her. We caught up with the rest of the group and carried on trick or treating from house to house.

Later in the night we all met up at my house and exchanged candy. I hated Milk Duds but Evelyn loved them so I always gave them to her. She always gave me her Smarties to give to Jill. None of my friends really liked or cared for Jill except for Evelyn. That's one of the things that made Evelyn so special to me.

I miss Evelyn.

Halloween isn't the same anymore.

I miss Jill.

At least I have the core four.

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