"Ah, the Lord's son, afraid to fall into the life associated with such, so he pursues a myriad of ways to break all the rules." I'm only teasing, but Eris shoots me a killer glare that makes the words taste like lead in my mouth.

            "Ah," He retorts in a mockingly frivolous tone. "The temple girl who can't stand the prospect of abiding by the rules so she sneaks out late doing God knows what, acting like she's tough shit. When really you just like to stick your nose where it doesn't belong– in other people's business."

            "Whatever, you're just mad I'm right." I tell him, thoroughly pissed that he's right. The forest ends; grass and dirt is replaced with stone and pavement, trees and vines replaced with street lamps and large residential neighborhoods. I recognize this street, we are near Eris' house. This is a wealthier part of town. Most of the homes are devoid of light. There's not so much as a flicker of candlelight in the windows.

            "Wow, rich people sure know how to sleep, huh?" I ask as we come up to the first row of houses

            Eris puts a finger to his lips, hushing me.

            "Oh, I see," I whisper. "Can't wake them from their beauty rest."

            "More or less," Eris replies in an equally hushed tone.

            We venture further into Naidrin City than I'd ever dared to travel myself. The streets soon become unfamiliar, and buildings become more sparse.

            "Are you just trying to get me far enough away so no one can hear my screams when you murder me with an ax?" I ask him, only partly joking.

            "Yes." Eris doesn't so much as smile, looking deadly serious for a beat. My heart starts racing just as he says, "Kidding. We've got to pass into another part of town. There's a talented healer in a village nearby. The only thing is, we have to travel outside of the city. It is best to go by established roads for as long as possible. We can't have you getting mauled by a mountain lion, now can we?"

            "I can't say that's at the top of my list of ways to die, no. But all I have to do is outrun you." He gives me a look as if to say, Really? We both know you wouldn't stand a chance.

            "Hence why I accommodated for the duration of a longer journey in my calculations. We should arrive in time for the shift change if you stop walking so slowly." Eris tilts his head back, basking in the light of the moon.

            "You said there was a healer, a seemingly reclusive healer. What do you mean by shift change?"

            My inquiry is met with a blank look. "This man's life was threatened. Did it not occur to you that the Court might possibly spare some of the Naidrin Guard to protect him? That any information he might share is invaluable and can lead to the capture of an assassin?"

            "Okay, sure, guards, so we have to get past them. Got it. But wait, how do you know there's an assassin? It could be a bunch of men, maybe they beat him up in an alley, or something." Eris eyes me suspiciously. He has a habit of narrowing his eyes at me, it's a tell I've quickly picked up on. His cunning mind is racing. "I'm just saying, there are other explanations."

            "That makes perfect sense," He says after a moment of silence. Just as I was starting to get nervous. "You saw him. Your interest in this boy, your annoying habit of being in the wrong places at the wrong time, you definitely saw him the night of the attack. Didn't you?"

            "What? No, that's ridicul—"

            "Stop," He cuts me off mid denial. "I don't need you to answer. Your reply will do nothing to change my mind. I've already settled on an answer. This is much more interesting than I thought it'd be."

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