05 - old computer

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"Yo." Jeff waved before jumping to sit on the counter. "This is BEN."

BEN flashed a quick smile and then leaned against the counter.

"Nice to meet you." You leaned the mop against the selves and walked back over to the counter. "Should I ask about the blood or is it normal?"

"It's normal." Jeff grabbed a candy bar from the shelf by the counter and unwrapped it.

You hummed, "You going to pay for that?"


"Got it." You rolled your eyes at him. "So, can I help y'all with something? Or are you here to steal snacks?"

Jeff threw the wrapper in the trash and laughed. "BEN wants to check the cameras to see if we can find out when that guy was here last."

You had completely forgotten about why Jeff has been coming by. He was tasked with finding and killing your old co-worker. The case had become cold when you couldn't find a name or an address. You both had tried to check the cameras, but they were locked up for safety reasons.

"We tried and they were locked." Jeff and BEN both grinned as your nervousness grew.

BEN walked behind the counter and sat in your chair that was positioned in front of the old computer that was rarely used. You scooted to the side to put some distance between you and the computer but close enough to watch what was happening. Jeff moved closer as well and leaned over the counter to watch. He laughed slightly as the computer turned on.

"Hold onto your panties."

You shot Jeff a disgusted look as a bright light drew your attention. Your eyes widened as you saw BEN leap into the computer.

Not figuratively either.

He jumped into the screen.

"What the fuck-" You jumped back in shock as Jeff laughed manically. The counter stopped you from running backward. The computer flashed a bunch of different colors as it glitched to old videos. The scene from a couple of minutes ago showed up on the screen before it began to speed up. The videos from the cameras flashed around as you watched different days come and go. It was like he was rewinding everything.

Who the fuck is this guy?

"I told you," Jeff shrugged as you turned to look at him, waiting for an explanation. When one never came, you looked back and saw the recordings slow down. It shifted to the scene of a guy working. "That's him."

You looked back and forth between Jeff and the computer. The recordings shifted back into a black screen before BEN crawled out a moment later.

"So, what the fuck?" Your hand ran through your hair as the two men in front of you ignored you.

"Did you get a name?"

BEN pushed past you and grabbed the posted schedule that was on the bulletin board. "No, but looking back at the videos and then this," He pointed at the names and scanned when they last worked. "Trent is his name. He was moved to the afternoon shifts but hasn't worked in the past three weeks."

You peeked over his shoulder to see Trent's name three rows underneath you. While your names had time slots filled, his had dashes. Signifying that he wasn't scheduled to work. "So, when does he work next?" Your eyes scanned down the row to see the next day he worked. It was next week, but it was the night shift.

Wait a damn minute.

"The next time he works is with you. On Friday." BEN turned and looked up at you. You frowned.

"Well, that's great." You huffed but Jeff laughed. "Guess that means you can come in, steal snacks and a life. As long as it's not my life."

BEN rolled his eyes as Jeff grabbed a candy bar from the shelf. "Think you can stop me from killing you just by letting us steal snacks?"

You snatched the candy bar from his hand. "Yes actually. Where else are you going to get your junk food and 'gamer snacks.'"

BEN laughed, "You're acting as if we aren't killers."

"I will help you find and get revenge on this guy, as long as you leave me out of it afterward." You stuck out both of your pinkie fingers.

You must be crazy.

What kind of person tries to make two murderers pinky promise not to kill them?

Jeff scoffed and stuck his pinkie, BEN grinning but doing the same. Your pinkie wrapped around theirs and you smiled.

"Free snacks aren't going to do the job if you're asking us not to kill you. Technically you're a witness too." Jeff retracted his hand and grabbed the candy bar that you had set down beside you.

"You play video games?" BEN butted in.

You nodded, "Not a lot but I have consoles at my dorm. You are welcome to come by to play, just don't come looking like that." You pointed at the blood on both of their clothes. "No offense, but you look scary as fuck."

"I take that as a compliment." Jeff's bloody smile grew.

You rolled your eyes, "It is time for me to clock out. You are welcome to come by, but just let me know beforehand. Just in case I'm not there, or if it is dirty." Pushing the two killers out the door, you checked the time to see you had just a couple of minutes before the next shift came in.

They both waved goodbye and said their goodnights before they cut through the road and went into the woods.

What the hell are you doing?

lordy lord college is kicking my ASS rn

anyways hope you enjoyed it :)

drink some water <3

Mar 30. 23.

how did this happen. . ?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon