Phantom Chatroom Prologue

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-Jazzy has added Phantom, Goth Princess, Techno Geek, Little Phantom, and Huntress to the Ghost Getters chatgroup-

Jazzy: Hello all! :) And welcome to the Ghost Getters Chatroom! :)

Goth Princess: ...Jazz? What's going on? And why is Valerie here too? :(

Huntress: Well, gee. I love you too Princess... :/

Techno Geek: Yeah. Why did you add us to this chatgroup? And Ghost Getters? You're still hung up on that!? o.o;;

Goth Princess: Wait... Is this your little ploy at trying to give us a psychology lesson for your thesis for college I've heard about? :/ I know you've repeatedly tried to rope Danny into doing it before as your patient.

Jazzy: I dunno what you're talking about! v.v

Goth Princess: Jazz... >:/

Jazzy: ...Okay, fine. It is. But I couldn't think up of any other way otherwise! :( Also, with this, it'll be easier for us to keep in contact when we need to fight and capture those ghosts! Look, I even managed to get and add Dani in here!

Goth Princess: I guess...that's fine?

Goth Princess: Also, hi Dani! :) -hugs-

Little Phantom: Hiya! :) -hugs back- It's great to finally be able to talk with you all again! x)

Techno Geek: Well, I guess this is better than having Danny getting sucked up in the Fenton Thermos... Especially when we had a couple of meetings and the Box Ghost abruptly showed up...

Techno Geek: Also, Hi Dani -hugs-

Little Phantom: -hugs back- x)

Huntress: Wait...what? lol -hugs Dani-

Little Phantom: -hugs back- :) ??

Goth Princess: Yeah... When she was first trying to help us out after we found out that she knew Danny's secret for a while, she kept sucking up her brother instead of the ghosts... repeatedly...on nearly every mission for a bit...

Techno Geek: Yeah. It happened so much that Danny even volunteered himself one time just to save her the trouble of doing it! lol

Little Phantom: lol what? no way! xD I wished I was there to see that!

Goth Princess: lol it happened before your creation. If you really want to see it, we can try and find street footage of it.

Little Phantom: Wait, really!? That'd be so great! But if it's going to be too much trouble in doing so...

Jazzy: Uge, leave me alone! You guys are so immature... :(

Techno Geek: Maybe...but you gotta admit it was pretty hilarious...Even though at the time it was pretty annoying since you unintentionally let all the ghosts escape. x)

Techno Geek: And it's no big deal, Little Phantom. :) I AM one of the smartest people I know when it comes to technology! Isn't that right, Melissa 2.0? -kiss emote-

Huntress:... Did Foley just call out to his named PDA device? -raises eyebrow- And kissed it?

Goth Princess: He sure did... v.v

Techno Geek: >:/ Leave me alone! One day, technology will rule this world and save it! It already did once with the Disasteroid incident! -meteor emote- -ghost emote- -skull emote- -world emote-

Huntress: Ya know, I'm still recovering from the shock that Fenton was Phantom this whole time... :o I need a lot to make up for... :(

Goth Princess: You do. And we still dunno how nor why people couldn't put two and two together of all the slip-ups and similarities they had the whole time v.v I mean it's like playing the game called what's the difference with pictures...and they still failed at it!

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