Chapter 10 Accepting the Bond

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Yayy new chapter, Life is great and i am in love....... If you just believed that line, you are an idiot who does not understand sarcasm. Anyway new chapter enjoy


Chapter 10 Accepting the Bond

{Riley POV}

I knew he was coming. I could feel it in the bond that he was nearing the brink of insanity. Fear flooded my entity. Why the heck was he chasing me? something was not right. Something told me to run to him to reassure him. A wave emotions hit me from the bond. Relief. Anger. Sorrow. The force of them were shattering. I started to run to him. Something was definitely wrong. I could feel it. Which was odd. I had never been able to really feel the bond like this, until now. It made me feel aware, like I was awoken from some timeless sleep. He needed to see me and I needed to see him.

He was terrified, but Why? Why was he like this. I have never known his emotions to be this strong. I ran into the forest. He was in the forest, I just knew it. It was like a map was directing me where to go. It wasn't even me going and moving, it was instinct. I felt like I was flying as I whipped past trees and thought the brush trying to find him. My vision allowing me to see and react to things faster than a human, compliments of me being a human.

I ran into a clearing and my feet automatically stopped. my heart racing, pores sweating to the max. Where! Where was he! My wolf whimpered. Suddenly there was a growl. It was ferocious and detonating, and demanded POWER. I whipped around and came face to face with an immense mass of wolf. He was gigantic. Completely black reaching almost 8 feet in height on all four paws. Electrifying eyes that struck me with so many emotions. His extensive body was hard to estimate how large of a wolf he truly was. His head had to weigh at least 18 pounds. He was just tremendous. Something you don't see everyday. He was monumental and he was breath-taking.

He growled again and then looked at me with a strange sense of palliation. I fell on my back and quickly sat up only to scoot away from him. His eyes narrowed and he growled again making me freeze. It was like a spell. he moved forward and forcefully thrust as much of his head as possible into my lap, while the rest of his body collapsed onto the ground. I then smelt it. I smelt the blood. Lots and lots of it. That was when I noticed it.

I whipped my head to his hind legs and noticed that they were bloodied. The were almost painted in the red substance that continued to flow from his body. I gasped. That was when I noticed the area he had come from was colored and covered in red paw prints the size of large dinner plates. bHe was bleeding so profusely. I was horrified.

"W-Why? Why are you bleeding so much", I said while inspecting his hind legs. My wolf whimper, with a sharp longing to lick the wounds clean and to heal her mate. After hearing my whimper, his nose nuzzled my stomach in reassurance. He was trying to tell me he would be ok.

"Liar.", I mumbled and got up.

He growled, demanding that I sit my ass back down. I gave him a pointed look. No way in hell am I gonna sit here and watch you bleed to death so let me say this slowly. Shift. Back. Now", I said in an authoritative voice. Two gorgeous blue eyes blinked at me, before growling lowly. Damn alphas with their authoritative egos. " Please", I said in a pleading voice. hearing my desperation, he complied to my will with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

I gasp for two reason when I realized my mistake. One, I could now clearly see that he was all cut up from below the waist. Two, he had no clothes. Obviously, he forgot since he was in a rush. I screamed and quickly shielded my eyes. "My innocence", I cried as I turned my back avoiding him completely. I heard him chuckle weakly. "You were the one who wanted me to shift.. Sweetheart.", he said in a smug voice. I growled. "Awww, you are", he stopped, clutching his chest, then abruptly yakked up a pool full of blood.

Don't faint. Don't faint. Oh for the love of God. I said as I sprinted behind a tree. I heard him try to pursue me. "No, I am ok just, just. Try your best to cover yourself with my clothes, ok. I said as I took off my shirt and pants, tossing them to him. He placed my shirt on his.. lower regions as a skirt and disregarded my useless skinny jeans. I looked at the pair and sighed. I was going to miss those jeans.

I quickly shifted into my wolf. I felt the bones stretch, crack and reform. My eyes closed as I went through the whole transformation. I opened them and looked at my mate, who seemed dazed by my appearance. Sweet. Sweet. His sweet scent infiltrated my nose by ten folds. I came up to my fallen mate and sniffed him more. I wanted, no I NEEDED more. More of his smell. More of his skin. More of him. I hadn't even realized I was nuzzling him until I heard his sharp intake of breath.

I had to force myself to ignored him as I quickly placed my mate on my back. Instinctively he placed his arms around my neck gripping as bast he could. My wolf suddenly felt a large surge of power. Purple irises became more defined in that one moment of contact and she snapped her head back. I flashed forward and toward my house. I was careful to make sure he did not fall off. I whimpered when I felt his grip on me loosen.

'Please. Please stay with me. I-I n-n-need. I need you Cole. I just need you. Please. I-I I th-think I might love you. ' With those final words I felt my mate slip out of consciousness as I neared the gate to my backyard. Whether he heard me pr not, I don't know. You are my only exception. That was all I knew.

My wolf stopped and whimpered. Pain. I felt unfallen tears as he let go. No. Please don't go Cole.


Intensity meter blown. WOAH. some one is gonna die in the next chapter.......jkjk, just kidding. i would never do that.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- BACKSTAGE

Riley: oh docta docta, is he gonna be alright.

Author/doctor: I......I don't know.

Riley> dramatic hand motions

Riley: Oh Docta, How am I gonna suvive without a man in my life


OH docta! OH DOCTA!!!!!!!!

Author/doctor> rolls eyes

Author/doctor: how exactly did I get stuck with the doctor role again


Lyla: So... how's life

Emily: well the author currently has a fractured finger and bruised wrist, so we arent gonna have a script for some time

Lyla: Oh life is good

Lyla and Emily: ;}

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