Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing

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Hey new chapter finally YYYYYAAAAAAAAyYYY!!!!!!!!!! psych. Ok many of you are probably wondering why I am taking so long to update my story. Well I am in a boarding school in Virginia, which will remain unanimous for the reason that I do not want a mob coming to take me out. Ok sooo another thing that you are probably wondering is what did they mean by the bond bond thing. Well.......................... I am not telling you. Anyway story. enjoy. yay.


Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing

{Riley POV}

What? What are they talking about? The Bond thing. What was that supposed to mea? Lewis looked at me with pitying eyes, Jason with knowing eyes, Michael with curious eyes, and Cole with worrying eyes. What was wrong?

Cole sighed. "I didn't think that this would happen so soon." "What happened so soon? What do you mean? What is wrong with me?", I asked looking like a deer in the headlight.

"Well have you noticed lately how much more confident you have been feeling?", asked Lewis.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it. When have i ever done that i usually think before i speak. Now that I am thinking, I have been a lot more confident lately. and it all started when....THEY ARRIVED!! Realization hit me like a fish in the face. It was because of this bond that me and that arrogant son-of-a-biscuit-eater.

"Yea, well you see because you two are mates the bond has already started to to form, which is odd because you two haven't completed the mating phase where you two actually mate. So, what is happening right now is Coles attitude or some of his emotions are being transferred and it is the same for him. That so that would explain why he has been so calm lately." said Jason having a small revelation of his own.

That pompous impetus bastard. he is the reason that I am acting all crazy. I felt a growl errt from me and I pounced on Cole tackling him a fluid motion. I pulled his arms behind him and sat on his back. I growled loudly barring my teeth. I could feel misty,s as well as my anger at the fact that we were practically being forced into this weird behavior. She might not like that I am a shy person, but she respects my way of thinking about it. I grolwed when the boys tried to grab me. It was threatning and very frightful. They froze and backed away staying as still as possible. "Dinner is ready.", bellina yelled snapping me out of whatever phase i was in. I had not realised my eyes were glowing put as weird as this sounds, i could feel them returning to normal, as I coukd feel myself calming down. My eyes grew the size of saucer when I felt Cole underneath me.

He groaned as i released his arms and sat on his back awkwardly. I did not know what to do. I did not even realize I had the ability to go into pro wrestling, until, well, until now. I stared at my hands skeptically awaiting for magical little fairies on steroids to leap out of them, cause, you know, i should not have been able to take down a werewolf, better yet an alpha like that. It just isn't done. Fuck that I am a Luna. I still should not have an ability like that.

I got off his back and apologized. "Remind me never to piss off our Luna", said Lewis as the boys decided it was no longer safe to be within pouncing distance of me. "Did she really just pin our alpha", said Jason, who was starring wide-eyed at me. Well now don't I feel like the eighth world wonder. Why don't you put me on display. I thought irritably as I glared at the boys, whjo then respectfully and quickly averted their eyes.

Cole growled."Never speak of it." He mumbled trying to put the whole incident behind him. We went down the staurs and ate a wonderful meal, but that did not take out the tension of the situation earlier. I humbly ate a small serving, AKA, 4 plates, of food. It was just when the boys were close to finishing their plates that I smelt it. Apparently Cole could smell or something about the bond that alerted him, but that just made it awkward. He snapped his head towards mine and I did as well. I Stood suddenly. "get out", I said in a very smalll voice. The boys, minus Cole looked curiously. I felt a flash in my eyes. "GET OUT", I yelled making them scamper out of the room before I could finish.

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