Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidity

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Heyyy! 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅Well now, before you 😲😲kill 😵😵me for not updating sooner please let me explain. Umm I actually do not have an excuse this time, except that I was too busy enjoying summer. Yeah I know. But please, I beg you to reconsider your decision to mob up and stake me. Yeah. I know about that dreadful plan. And luckily I have relocated to a safe haven away from my house. SO HA!!!!!!!!! 😈You can't find me. Unless you track down my iPod 😬which u I am currently using to update, since my laptop sucks and my sister is a bum who won't let me use her computer. Sooooooooooo. How bout we get on that chapter


Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidty

{Riley POV}

I locked the door to my car as I drove around the back and parked my car into the E garage. E for emergency. I, of course was followed by four very pissed off werewolves. I hope they know that there is no way I am actually leaving this car. In oh, you know, FOREVER. I am not invitee mood to have a lecture.

So like any person in my situation would do, I reclined my chair until it was flat and pulled out a blanket and pillow from the backseat. I curled up ready to take a nap. What? Oh like you wouldn't. Having heart to hearts are very tiring. That take a lot of a person.

"Is she about to take a nap?", mike asked.

I looked over at him and shook my head. I then pulled the blanket over my head and plugged in my headphones. I played some classical music... Aka paramore, and drifted off to sleep. 5 minutes into my almost sleep. The window to the back of my car was shattered. The back door was then opened and then and arm came around and unlocked the doors. Then the passenger door was opened and I was dragged out but Cole himself. "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!", I screamed ready to chop some heads off. Coles snatched my keys and put them in his pocket. Damn him!

I slipped out of his grasp, by some mystical power because he is so unbelievable strong. I made a mad dash for my room, unfortunately fate intervened, as usual, and I slipped on the sidewalk and slid into the grass all the way to the porch. 'Ok, just play dead. maybe they will run and get an ambulance. Then escape.', I inwardly plotted my fail proof plan.

"Grab her and take her inside, there we can chain her in the basement.", I heard Cole say. I jumped up and gasped. "Y-You psycho-path. You would actually do that to me.", I said in fake tears. I saw him falter. "No,no. I am sorry. I-I f*ck. I am not a psycho path. I just wanted you to get up not cry.", Cole rambled as I stood there fake sobbing. He walked over and tried to comfort me.

I opened my arms and embraced him. I reached my hands and put them in his pockets. I grabbed my keys and prepared to escape. However, for some odd reason I did not feel the need. It was like I could stay in those arms forever. Then it hit me. "School's over.", hah that was it.

"Hmm.", he said as if he did not hear the words that came out of my mouth. Then he must have realized, because he released me I felt a tad empty when he did. Probably cause he was providing warmth. "Uh,I said schools over.", I repeated myself. "Annnnd?" he started, then he must have realized why he was chasing me. "OH!!!....BOYS!!. Is the interrogation room ready?", Cole said with a sick smile on his stupid face. Interrogation room. REALLY. Now this would be interesting.

++++++++10 minutes later ........... in a make-shift black and white room.

"How many times do I got to tell ya. I am innocent. I ain't done nothing wrong, sir.", I said to Cole.

"LIES!! I tell you,LIES!!!", Lewis screamed.

"Well then, Miss Colestone. Might I ask where you were between the hours of 9:00 am to 2:00 p.m." Cole said in a cold tone.

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