Chapter 3 Yep I'm clueless part 1

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW it has been a while ( well longer than usual) since I have last updated and I am finally ready to do this poo ( as I refer to all work because you know.. it is so flipping hard). Anyway not much to say besides finally out of school for spring break WOOOHOO yep happiness of sleeping until 12 in the afternoon. ( Yes I really can and do sleep that late. DO not judge me for this I am an author and I need SLEEP.) Hope you enjoy the new chapter. FINALLY


Chapter # Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)

{Riley POV}

I woke up early in the morning. For some odd reason my wolf was so excited to get me to school. She rushed me into the shower and I clumsily slipped and whacked my head. "OWW. Why can't you let me take my time flee bag. It isn't like I have anything to look forward to so you might as well stop pushing me.", I mumbled to myself, but of course she heard. 'Yes we sure DO. I can't wait to meet.. THE ONE.'

"Ok. That is way to cheesy for even me", I said trying to talk to my wolf, but she decided to go into lala hormone land. I sighed as my wolf ranted on and on and on about how amazing my mate would be. How we will not be able to resist such gorgeousness. I kinda got annoyed when she said that though. Apparently I don't get a choice on who I chose to like or not. It has to be Mr. Mate because of the crap bond we "supposedly have".

Well to me that is a whole bunch of bull. Even though I will never have a man of my own because I am a freak, I would very much appreciate the chance to choice and not have to be told you will be with this person whether you like it or not.

I jumped out the shower and took my time to dry myself off successfully annoying my would when I took the time to thoroughly massage my toes and fingers. "Hurry up before I chop off your fingers. Then you would run around screaming your head off until you fall down a bridge and DIE. You don't want me to cause your death would you.", she said acting all smug. I smiled brightly as I replied. "Has my wittle wolfy woof forgotten? If you kill me you kill yourself which means you are a murder and caused your suicide, preventing you from going to doggy heaven.", I said grinning triumphantly. I could feel my wolf rolling her eyes. "There is no such thing as doggy heaven.", she remarked trying to get the last word. "Yea, but if you kill us then we wont meet our "mate" , so ha!", I yelled triumphantly just as bellina walked into the room. She looked at me like I was crazy then told me that there was sausage, eggs, and pancakes downstairs ready for me to devour.

I almost kissed her. She knows I love pancakes. They are better than waffle and one day I will hopefully prove that to the world. I mean I hate it when people say they are the same because. THEY ARE NOT. There is obviously a texture difference. If people tell you others then they are lying and probably have taste buds that are like 1000 years old. 'Yep because that is obviously the answer', Misty ( my wolf if you've forgotten) said sarcastically.

I practically flew down the stairs, no

literally. When people say flew down the stairs they usually mean run really fast, but when I say it I mean I ran to the top of the stair and tripped successfully landing on my butt at the bottom stair before touching the earth again. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH", Bellina screeched as she did just witness me fall down over 100 stairs. Usually most people would have dislocated their body right about now, But you guessed it. I am a werewolf with unnatural healing qualities. Yay for me. Instead of crying for a hospital. I moaned in pain of the already healing bone.

So like the genius person I am I decided crawling the rest of the way to the kitchen would be best. When I finally got there I pulled the plate of food to a near by footstool and ate it. after getting seconds, then thirds, I finally left with a worried Bellina waving at the door as I drove down the street. I drove up to the school about 10 minutes later and sighed.

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