💕when they find you crying💕

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When they find you crying...

WARNING: Asmo's and Beel's parts deal with low self-confidence and body dysmorphia. Just thought that should be added :)

* Pauses in the doorway like a rigid statue.
* Oh geez should he be here? Has a minor mental panic.
* "MC?"
* When you jump and quickly wipe your tears away, he moves closer.
* "Are.. are you alright?"
* Is genuinely concerned when you break down in tears sputtering about how you did bad on a test and was worried about him finding out and getting angry.
* The man is shocked. You're crying because of him????
* Will immediately hand you a handkerchief (we ALL know he'd carry one around like an old person)
* "I apologize if I stressed you out last time this happened.. I wasn't aware you were this scared of me..."
* He'll be very upset with himself after this.
* Lucifer will carry a very gentle tone with you while lecturing you about your grades in the future.
* "If you'd like.. next time a test comes up that you're worried about.. I could help you study?"
* When you agree, he'll be a little relieved but in the next few weeks, he'll remember to be nicer to you.
* He cooks your favourite foods, buys you something here and there, makes tea or coffee that you like, or simply just starts heartfelt conversations with you.
* Becomes a bit of a pick-me lmao

* fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-
* "M-MC! Um.. um.. are ya okay?"
* When you do the little hiccup sob thing he feels his knees cave in a little. Rushes in immediately but tries to pretend he's not as panicked as he feels.
* "Oi.. stop it.. You're making me worried..."
* Will poke you until you look at him in an attempt to make you laugh.
* He can see that small smile peeking out- don't try to hide it.
* He'll do his best to try and cheer you up before he asks for more information on what happened.
* Someone stole your wallet and you had been saving for something important..? A GIFT FOR HIM?????
* He's a little flustered but reassures you that it's no biggie! Mammon doesn't need anything but to see your happy face! So cheer up human!
* He'll work a shift with you wherever you work and give you his cut of the pay.
* Will watch your favourite show/movie even if he doesn't like it.
* "Hey.. you feelin' better? Good, I don't like it when ya feel sad.. makes me antsy.."
* "M-M-MC!! Um.. um.. you.. you okay? I can go.. s-sorry.."
* When you ask for him to stay his heart is racing so fast the poor boy may faint but he sits awkwardly beside you anyway.
* He won't say anything until you calm down a bit.
* While he waits he'll press his pinkie finger against yours and maybe depending on how sad you are (and his anxiety levels) he may link his fingers with yours and hold your hand.
* Lucifer yelled at you for getting behind on schoolwork? You think it's because you've been gaming too much and not studying enough???
* Mm, maybe next time a test comes up he can pull you aside and sort of study with you...? He's not the best at studying but I mean.. if it'll cheer you up then he'll do it!
* "Then after we're done we can play some games too! Or watch this new show that came out that I'm totalllllly in love with!"
* When you agree and thank him he gets very flustered mumbling about how it's really not a big deal.. only a normie would make a big deal about it.
* Inside his stomach is filled with butterflies and he's freaking out big time. Save him before he goes into cardiac arrest. This otaku feels emotionally overstimulated from your smile. Hug him and he will faint.
* Oh shit. You hugged him.
* Watch as he slides off your bed and down to the floor with a thud.

* Was going to show you a cat he just found and snuck inside. Knocked and heard a shaky 'come in.'
* Just standing there holding a cat like 0-0
* "Um.. hey. You.. you okay?"
* Kinda scared not gonna lie.. Satan's not really good with this kinda thing. He'll try though.
* Someone was being rude to you? It was LUCIFER???? Oh boy. Lucifer's desk is bouta be vandalized, painted pink and splashed with soooo much glitter for this.
* Goes on a rant about how much he hates Lucifer for 8 minutes.
* Remembers he's supposed to be comforting you.
* Hands you the cat (sorry if you're allergic lol pretend he stabs you with an epipen after this or somethin idk)
* Tries to distract you with happy things "What should I name him?- I'll let you choose it."
* Satan is wracking his brain on ways to cheer you up.
* Doesn't know if he's doing a good job. Tell him he is. This man needs the affirmation. He's screaming internally with the occasional laminated paper wobble sound. fwubafwubafwuba
* "I'm sorry.. I don't really know what to do in these situations.. I can listen if you just want to talk..? Is that.. Is that something people do..?"
* My bestie Satan offers to take you somewhere tomorrow if you're feelin up to it.
* It's probably Barnes & Noble.
* It was Barnes & Noble.

* Heart breaks when he sees your tears. God though, you looked gorgeous like that.. his thoughts drift a little. Bad Asmo. Rushes toward you like a hoe running from a church.
* Mentally marking down bath products and things you would like to pamper you with later to cheer you up.
* "Oh honey! What's wrong!?"
* Smothers you with hugs because yes ultimate comfort.
* Oh no! Someone made you feel self-conscious today???
* Straight up says "Fuck their opinion." No filter. Doesn't care that a curse word came out of his beautiful mouth.
* "Ignore them, darling! You're so wonderful! Look at you! Come on-- stand in front of your mirror with me!"
* States every single detail he finds glorious about you starting from the top working his way down. Presses a kiss to your cheek every once in a while.
* He'll add so much detail to why he thinks you're amazing and omg he's so fucking genuine it's so good to hear.
* His standards of beauty are high. You'd better believe every word.
* "How about we go to the spa tomorrow? Maybe a hot spring? Would that make you feel better?"
* Asmodeus is so excited please say yes!!
* Cuddles you like a madman (run your fingers through his hair while you have the chance.)
* Tells you so many loving words like omg stop it my man you're making me blush~
* You won't be able to go anywhere alone for the next 10 hours minimum. He has to make sure you are absolutely 110% happy before he leaves you by yourself.
* Did someone say Self-Confidence police? I think you mean Asmodeus Avatar of Lust.

* Was bouta ask you try something Luke made but omg wait why are you crying no this is not okay
* Sits down next to you and shoves the food into your hand like "Bitch eat. It'll give u something to distract yourself with."
* Waits and doesn't ask questions yet. Wants you to speak up first.
* "Would you like some water? It helps to stop crying."
* This man will go get you whatever you want. Whatever. You. Want. You want a pineapple? Goes to the store. You want a new blanket? Steals one from Belphie. You want idk a rare fruit that only grows in like the 5th level of Hell. This man will hunt that shit down.
* When you struggle to tell him, he will sit next to you and put his cheek on your shoulder and shove a stuffed animal in your hands. Squish it. It's stress relieving. But apologize to it afterwards. Stuffies have feelings too >:(
* When you tell him you felt like you weren't that pretty/handsome/idk/whateverwordfitshere and were having a hard time loving yourself, he will give a gigantic bear hug for about 10 minutes.
* "Do you want me to listen or do you want solutions?"
* Will listen to every word you say and boost you with self-confidence afterwards, saying how amazing he thinks you are.
* When you ask for solutions Beel will say to talk with Asmo for things like beauty stuff but if you want he could bring you along when he goes to exersise. Will bring your favorite foods along.
* Insists that he thinks you're perfect the way you are but understands that if you want to work on yourself for your own confidence then that's cool too.
* Spends the rest of the day with you and brings you along to eat with Belphie.
* Respect. Mad respect my dude.

* Walks in, turns, leaves, contemplates going back in, does, regrets it. Actually doesn't but he's emo so he has to act disappointed.
* Why did he do that he can't handle these situations!
* "What are you doing? Stop it."
* Pokes you repeatedly until you start giggling and slowly stop crying.
* Will lean against you and use you as his pillow until you wanna talk. Lord knows you are his pillow. You will never not be this bastard's pillow.
* "You.. fell asleep in class? How is that bad..? Ooooo.. in Alchemy? Um, well.. at least.. you got extra sleep?"
* Doesn't think it's a big deal but understands you do.
* When you tell him you missed everything in the lesson and don't know a thing about what was taught Belphie will shrug.
* If you're worried about failing- don't. Grades don't define you no matter what anyone- (coughCOUGHLucifer) tells you. Relax. But if you're that worried I bet the dickheaded sorcerer will help you. I'm not too good at it either soooo..."
* Will pull every blanket away from you and smother himself in them. Belphie cares about how you feel but this man wants to be comfy.
* Will take you out that night into the garden to lay down and look at the sky if he's awake enough.
* Keeps you up when he's awake by talking your ear off. If he can't sleep, you won't either.
* Mentions to Soloman what you told him so Soloman will reach out to you and help you if you won't.
* Will raise Hell for you if Lucifer gives you a hard time about your grades.
* Still will be an ass tho.

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