💕 mc is nonbi 💕

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who didn't write for six months??? me???? oh um... oops? my bad????? sorry???? ┐( _ _||| )┌

MC comes out to the brothers as gn

Based on my own experience at the beginning of me figuring out my gender. If that's not how you felt or others felt about your gender feel free to ignore it. I get that some people have different experiences. My own realisation hit me hard and I entered a terrible state of mind. The MC in this one-shot is going through the thoughts that I went through. Some of them are not healthy. If this is a trigger for you please don't read!! Let someone know if you have experienced any depressing or suicidal thoughts. Don't let it get worse. As hard as life may seem keep moving. I've lived with self-hatred for a long time and done things I now regret. Don't let your thoughts be the knife that digs too deep and won't come back out. You can do it okay? I believe in you :)

You stared into the mirror, your gaze moving up to meet your own eyes. The person in front of you looked grim and tear-stricken.

Who was this person.. this.. this stranger..!?

You bit your lip. Should you tell them? What would they think of you? Would they think you were weird or.. or stupid? What if they sent you back to the human world?

But what if they loved you for you?

What if they smiled and told you that they didn't care-- you were still you no matter what you identified as!

You shook your head, a cloud of dread looming over your head, the rain falling and running down your cheeks.

You looked at yourself one more time in the mirror, your lashes painted with crystal-clear tears. Wiping them away, you sighed.

This was stupid. Why would you even consider this? You wouldn't tell them. Not tonight at least.

"I really don't get why people identify as non-binary or whatever- I mean you're born with male or female parts. You can't change that."

"I know mom.. I agree."

"Well you're friend doesn't. They go by a different name now, right? Don't you dare think that's okay. It's so fucking stupid."

"Okay. I won't."

The memory faded as you sat at the dining table surrounded by the demon brothers.

"MC? Are ya okay? You kinda zoned out.."
Mammon said waving a hand in front of your face.

"Hm? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just trying to remember what's due tomorrow for 1st Period."

Asmodeus clinked his nails on top of the table, "That essay thing I think. The one for Devildom History."

Your eyes widened, "That was due tomorrow?!"

Lucifer raised a brow, "You forgot about the assignment again? MC.."

"I-I didn't forget.. I just have one more paragraph and the conclusion.. I just thought it was due Friday."

You quickly scarfed down the soup that was in front of you, trying to finish quickly so you could go end your essay. Thus you began to choke.

"Oi! Don't die on us!"

Your eyes watered as you tried to catch your breath.

"God, I hate being susceptible to dying at every turn."

"Your mortality is an inconvenience.." Satan mumbled.

Obey Me! Asmodeus x Non-bi/Male! Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now